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How to Become an Archaeolibrarian Reviewer

LOVE reading? Want to review? Able to work with a Google calendar and consistently meet deadlines? Then why not contact me, and give it a go?


If you are interested in reviewing for Archaeolibrarian, please send me an email with a sample book review of a title you’ve recently read and enjoyed. Please feel free to take a look at the reviews section to get an idea of what I'm looking for in a review. Our reviews are usually between 250-500 words, although they can be longer, but preferably not shorter.


Please note: If you submit a sample review with significant grammar problems, or one that clearly indicates you haven’t checked to see what I'm looking for in a review (i.e. if your review is mostly synopsis with no real opinion, etc), your application will most likely be declined.


ALL reviews have to be up on social media sites within three days of the post going live on this website, and links need to be sent to Merissa within two weeks of the same. Failing to comply with this or the disclaimer will result in removal from Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!


Communication is of the highest importance and you are expected to respond to any correspondence within 24-hours.


​Thank you for your interest!




Please, remember that every eBook received for review is given in exchange for an honest review. The eBooks are the sole property (copyrighted) of the author and should not be sold, distributed, transferred, or exchanged with or to other people, nor should they be listed on file sharing sites.



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