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Ménage and Mascara by Bella Settarra

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Erotic, Romance, Ménage, Contemporary, Novella

While out on her cosmetics-selling round, Tiffany Moran notices a car is missing from its regular parking spot near her home. Not sure if it is just coincidence that the vehicle has disappeared right after a shooting in the vicinity, she reports it to the police. She is afraid at first that she is wasting their time, but when she is kidnapped and held at gunpoint she realizes she was right on the money. But did the hunky cops take her seriously enough to come looking for her? And will they care enough to save her?

Gorgeous detectives, Caleb Kent and Hollis Ryman are skeptical about Tiffany’s story at first, but their interest in the beautiful redhead spurs them on to look into it a little further. What they uncover is much more serious than they imagined – especially when they discover that the girl they are both falling for has put her life at risk by talking to them. Will she live long enough to forgive them? And, if so, will she want the sort of relationship they are offering?

Despite her downtrodden past, Tiffany embraces the dominance of the two cops who rapidly steal her heart and she willingly gives them her body. When her ex appears on the scene, however, will she crumble under his influence or uphold her new-found strength? And does the fact that he’s tracked her down mean that he cares for her, after all?

4 out of 5 (very good)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Tiffany goes to the police, with what she thinks is a possible clue to a murder. It lands her in the hands of the bad guys, and Hollis and Caleb go all out to save her.

Cute. Really, really cute!!

Sometimes, you need these shorts of stories, short and sweet, and sexy. This one fits that bill perfectly.

Tiffany is, on her own admission, not the best looking gal on the block, and she just potters along with her life. Her reaction to first Caleb, and then Hollis, was. . . . . unexpected, different and powerful. She doesn't realise they are a pair til she is told she doesn't have to choose, and Tiffany really does find that sometimes, just sometimes, the romance books can be a slice of real life!

I've filed it on the crime/thriller shelf, because, technically, a crime is committed, and is solved in the book, but its very loose and not very in-depth. But thats not a BAD thing, not at all. It just needs mentioning.

Like I said, short, sweet and sexy. And cute!

4 stars

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

In Bella’s world all the heroes are gorgeous hunks and the heroines are always beautiful. Having said that, she firmly believes that ‘handsome is as handsome does’ and that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’. (She is also a big fan of clichés as well as alliteration!)

She has been hanging out with her ‘imaginary friends’ for a couple of years now and finds the profession exhilarating and intriguing. Her stories are all Erotic Romances, although they vary considerably in subject-matter.

One of the things she absolutely loves to write is light BDSM and her Collar and Cuffs series (Etopia Press) received an ARe Bestseller Award for Waiting on Summer, which has also been nominated for a BDSM Con Golden Flogger Award. This series was set in a BDSM club in Miami, and was a joy to write. She also loves writing Cowboy Romances and was thrilled when the first book in her The Men of Moone Mountain series, (Etopia Press), entitled Ménage on Moone Mountain, received a nomination for the Ménage Romances Fan’s Award 2015 and became an ARe Bestseller, and the third book in this series, Ménage on Ryder Ranch was also nominated for the Erotic Ménages Romances Award 2016. The fourth book in this series, Ménage at the Mode Boutique is now also available in digital format. She is currently writing another Cowboy series, Midnight in Montana (Siren Publishing), the first of which, Dallas at Midnight, is already available in digital and print formats, while the second book, Meet Me at Midnight, has only just been released and is available only in digital format at present.

Her writing career began, however, in the fantasy/myth genre, with her first series Sirens and Sailors (Siren Publishing). Although this was a series of six novels, it actually started out as a short story! This was a delight to write and was proof positive that her High School Classical Studies lessons weren’t entirely wasted.

She has also had a couple of short stories published in Men for Hire and Men for Hire 2 (Luminosity Publishing) and even had some rather raunchy poems included in Coming Together in Verse.Not everyone is perfect – but it’s the character flaws which make them interesting, she believes. As in life, things don’t always run smoothly, but it’s the twists and turns which provide the drive to keep going, even when it just feels like an uphill struggle. Bella is currently fighting her own battle against breast cancer – a battle which she is determined to win – and believes that all women have the right to feel sexy even when they are battle-scarred.

She hopes you enjoy your foray into her world

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