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Worth a Shot by Cari Z

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Contemporary, Erotic, Romance, Short Story, F/F

Samara Wynne thinks she’s finally found the perfect roommate, but Katie’s keeping a secret that could turn their dream home into a nightmare. Samara Wynne was dreading getting a roommate, but Katie Hansen changed her mind. Katie is everything she could want: she likes Sam’s cooking, she shares her dog when Sam’s feeling low, and there are signs that Sam’s one-sided attraction to her renter might not be so one-sided at all. Katie is safety conscious to the point of paranoia, though, and she won’t quite tell Sam why. When a thoughtless mistake by Sam leads to their home-sweet-home being violated, it’s the beginning of the end of everything she had hoped for them. With no home, and no Katie, what does Sam have to look forward to anymore? Fortunately for her, Katie isn’t as ready to give up on them as Sam thought. Reader Advisory: This book contains some scenes of graphic violence.

4 out of 5 (very good)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Samara didn't want a room mate, but she needed one. Kate seemed perfect, especially with her extra security measures. A single picture posted online cause it all to come apart and Katie and Sam's lives are now in danger. A nice easy read, and I do mean that in a GOOD way!! Perfect of a lunch break, bath tub, hang over read. But I read it on a plane! Its only short, 47 pages, little over an hour reading time. It's not complicated, although Katie's reason for those extra security measures is not what I first thought. But I liked that I was proven wrong. Nor is it overly explicit, but again, a good thing for THIS book. It is only Sam who has a say. And of course I wanted to hear from Katie, you know I do. But here, I really REALLY wanted to hear why she felt safe with Sam. How she felt when the above mention reason found her. How she felt when she had to leave, and I really wanted to know why she chased Sam across the continent. 4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Cari Z was a bookworm as a child and remains one to this day. In an effort to combat her antisocial reading behavior, she did all sorts of crazy things, from competitive gymnastics to alligator wresting (who even knew that was legal!) to finally joining the Peace Corps, which promptly sent her and her husband to the wilds of West Africa, stuck them in a hut, and said, "See ya!" She also started writing, because some things she just thought she could do better. She's still climbing that ladder, but can't stop herself from writing, or from sharing what she creates. Cari enjoys a wide range of literary genres, from the classics (get 'im, Ahab) to science fiction and fantasy of all types, to historical fiction and reference materials (no, seriously, there are so many great encyclopedias out there). She writes in a wide range of genres as well, but somehow 90% of what she produces ends up falling into the broad and exciting category of m/m erotica. There’s a sprinkling of f/m and f/f and even m/f/m in her repertoire, but her true love is man love. And there's a lot of love to go around.


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