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Eternal Desires Of A Succubus: Created In The Shadows Of Heaven by Lucy Lyons

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Adult, Paranormal, Romance, Novella, Multi-Partners, Serial

Isabel knew that she shouldn't expect much out of life while working a regular 9 to 5 job. That is until one night when two equally gorgeous men seek her out and change her life forever. The next morning, she wakes up with a vague sense of what happened, a completely different physical body and mind manipulation abilities that made men fall over themselves just to satisfy her. Overnight Isabel is thrust into a world where the supernatural is real, and she is one part of it. A world where a war is brewing between vampires and angels over hybrids like Isabel known as a “succubus”. Torn between the attraction she feels for Oz and Gavin, the Angel and vampire who helped create her; Isabel must decide how to navigate uncharted territory, while embracing what it means to be a succubus and staying well out of reach of those who would use her powers against her.

3 out of 5 (good)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Isabel knows she is no stunner, and is only going out to get laid. Waking up the next morning, she has only a vague recollection that she did get laid, but she can't remember anything else. Then she notices her body changing, the reactions of the men around her changing, and she starts to remember. Oz, an angel, and Gavin, a vampire, changed Isobel into a succubus. Now she has to deal with the fact that she must have sex, and a lot of it, to survive, but also, that some vampires want to control her for their own greed.

I did not know this was a part of a story going in, and I would have said no, had I known. It makes me so cross to only get half the information, half a story, when I'm expecting a full one.

It is, part told story aside, a little jumpy. I didn't much care for Isobel, at all. And only she has a say. Gavin and Oz needed a say, to make this a much better half story.

I still don't have the full picture, as to WHY Oz and Gavin choose Isobel, and I can't see where the story is going, other than that there will be A LOT of sex involved.

Now, I do like my books explicit, I'm quite happy to read porn, I make no apologies for what I like to read. BUT there has to be a good story line behind it. I'm not finding that here.

Will I continue on with the series?? probably not while its still being written. When its finished, and is available as a single completed story, then maybe, maybe I will read it then.

3 stars.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

I had loads of time on my hands when I retired six years ago and starting writing.I have two sons, one has his own store which he also manages and the younger is finishing his degree at McMaster University this year. I thoroughly enjoy traveling to other countries and exploring other cultures. I have traveled to Asia , the Middle East, most of the Caribbean and most recently Italy. Travelling allows me to be more creative in my writing as I experience meeting many people of different cultures.


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