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Patience (Dublin Virtues #1) by Helena Stone

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Patience is a virtue. But what if you wait too long?

While Xander Ekman’s dream of becoming a successful artist has come true, his love life has gone from bad to worse. Sick of the endless string of one-night stands, he accepts the challenge when his best friend, Erik, bets him that he can’t be celibate for a month. Now all he needs is a reminder to keep his distance in the heat of the moment.

Troy Moriarty doesn’t have time for love. He’s too busy trying to keep his recently opened tattoo parlor afloat. Besides, ever since the man who was supposed to be his business partner abandoned him to run the shop on his own, he has a hard time trusting others.

When Xander turns to Troy for a tattoo that will remind him to be patient, the attraction is instant. But faced with Xander’s month of celibacy, Troy’s trust issues, and a nemesis lurking in the background, their relationship may be doomed before it has a chance to begin.

4 out of 5 (very good)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Xander's string of one night stands leads his best friend, Erik, to bet he cannot stay celibate for 30 days. Once the idea settled with Xander, he really was determined to do it. He just never factored into the equation a certain tattoo artist whom Xander chooses to use for permanent reminder of his bet. Troy's tattoo business takes up all his time, since HIS so called best friend left him with the start up of their joint venture. He recognizes Xander. And the so called best friend keeps creeping into Troy's thoughts and he wants to leave Xander well alone. But he can't.

My first and strongest thought after finishing this was: cute. really, really cute. And I can't shift that thought, even after 3 days. So, cute its gonna have to be.

I loved how Xander's mind worked, once challenged by Erik. Loved how he processed it all. Loved that, while sorely tempted by Troy, he managed to stay the full 30 days. And nearly cried when it all started to go wrong so close to the end!

Troy is right to try to steer clear of Xander. Troy's so called best friend, Shane, really messed them both up. But Troy eventually sees past Shane's hold.

Troy and Xander's relationship grows through the 30 days, and because of the time scale, its a while before they finally get nekkid and naughty! And I LOVED being made to wait! I do love it when it takes time for the main characters to get themselves together enough for the main event, but here?? It was especially.....cute.

I'm sorry, there's that word again! It pains me deeply that I cannot find a better word than cute but I really did enjoy this book! Its not a negative word, not at all!

I hope I get to read any more in this series, Erik needs a story, for sure!

a solid 4 star read.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Helena Stone can’t remember a life before words and reading. After growing up in a household where no holiday or festivity was complete without at least one new book, it’s hardly surprising she now owns more books than shelf space while her Kindle is about to explode. The urge to write came as a surprise. The realisation that people might enjoy her words was a shock to say the least. Now that the writing bug has well and truly taken hold, Helena can no longer imagine not sharing the characters in her head and heart with the rest of the world. Having left the hustle and bustle of Amsterdam for the peace and quiet of the Irish Country side she divides her time between reading, writing, long and often wet walks with the dog, her part-time job in a library, a grown-up daughter and her ever loving and patient husband.


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