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Three New Wishes (Rainbow Island #3) by Sean Michael

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Come to Rainbow Island, where all your sexual fantasies will come true. James, Guard and Damien continue to grant the sexual fantasies of their clients, but so far have been unable to make Rainbow Island work for their own relationship. Damien misses being home more often with his lovers, though, and Guard has been working on breaking down James’ defences. As the men move from one week to three week stays for their guests, can they finally make their own fantasies come true, too? As always, three different fantasies are granted through Rainbow Island. Tim is rich and bored now that he’s sold all his companies. A sometimes sub for the occasional evening, he’s searching for something more. He’s seen ‘lifestyle’ subs who indulge 24/7 and he’s curious to see if it really works. Full time Dom Rainier is brought in to give Tim the experience he’s been looking for. But Rainier has a secret – he’s been watching Tim in the club for years, just waiting for Tim to get serious before making his move. Can these two men find what they need in each other? Mike has been hired to be a submissive for three weeks. He doesn’t know that much about the lifestyle, but has been assured that he won’t be damaged and that he can stop the proceedings at any time. He figures he can handle it, besides, the payday is too good to give up and will keep him off the street and fed for a long time. Dom Brendan is handsome and confident and the things he shows Mike have Mike more than a little turned on; in fact, they speak to something deep inside him. Could he have found something more than just another job in Brendan? Angus and Robbie are a committed Dom/sub pair who want to spice things up a little and see if Puppy Play is for them. They're excited and nervous to learn this new aspect from Sam, the puppy master that Rainbow Island has brought in to show them the ropes. They discover there’s more to puppy play than they’d imagined and not all of it is for them. Can they separate what they need from what they want and come out stronger than ever in the end?

4 out of 5 (very good)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

This is book three in the Rainbow Island series, but you don't need to have read book one, Three Wishes and book two, Three More Wishes to be able to fully follow this one. But it would really help you to follow Damien, Guard and James and what has happened to them and how they have got to this point in their relationship.

I didn't enjoy this one quite as much as book two. That was the best of the three and here's why.

The first two wishes are very similar, with a Dom/sub relationship and the third wish?? That was way off my radar and didn't do anything for me.

Tim is bored, and sometimes visits the clubs for a night of release. But he wants to experience the full lifestyle sub experience. And Rainbow Island is just the place for him. Dom Rain arrives to teach him. But Rain has been watching Rain at the club: watching and waiting. And now, he can experience Tim for three whole weeks.

I liked these two, liked that Rain had been following Tim, liked that they worked out very early what they both needed.

Mike has been hired to be a sub for 3 weeks. Dom Brendan wanted someone without any prior dealings with the lifestyle. Their connection ran instant, hot and deep. Can Brendan offer Mike more than just three weeks?

My favourite of the three. I loved that Mike, other than what he'd read, had very little knowledge of the lifestyle Brendan wanted him for. Loved that while Mike was bratty, Brendan worked with that. Loved that Mike was fully aware he could stop it all at any time, and was able to voice all his concerns to Brendan, and Brendan wanted to hear them.

Robbie and Angus have been together for ten years. They want to experience puppy play. They come to the island to figure out whether it will work for them.

My least favourite. Little bit too far out there for me. BUT I did like that Robbie and Angus took little bits of puppy play away with them, like the collaring idea, and the milking, even if total puppy immersion wasn't for them.


Dear Mr Michael, could Guard, Damien and James have a full book, just for them?? I still feel I missed a lot, and I so wanted more. I know, I know I said that in the other two reviews, but PLEASE??? Just to get the full story of what happened to James: the accident, the aftermath and them finally getting back together!!

Not as good as book two, but on a par with book one, so...

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Often referred to as "Space Cowboy" and "Gangsta of Love" while still striving for the moniker of "Maurice," Sean Michael spends his days surfing, smutting, organizing his immense gourd collection and fantasizing about one day retiring on a small secluded island peopled entirely by horseshoe crabs. While collecting vast amounts of vintage gay pulp novels and mood rings, Sean whiles away the hours between dropping the f-bomb and persuing the kama sutra by channeling the long lost spirit of John Wayne and singing along with the soundtrack to "Chicago." A long-time writer of complicated haiku, currently Sean is attempting to learn the advanced arts of plate spinning and soap carving sex toys. Barring any of that? He'll stick with writing his stories, thanks, and rubbing pretty bodies together to see if they spark.

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