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The Sand Dweller by Molly Neely

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In the ancient mountains of the Sinai desert, a child is born. The half-demon son of the devil’s greatest general, Malachi grows up with one foot in the human world and one in the darkest pits of Hell itself. Soon, a power struggle will force him to choose. Will he claim the dark heritage promised to him by Lucifer? Or will he learn firsthand just how far evil will go to destroy mankind? Caleb Glass is a young priest with a flourishing flock and a successful church. Plagued by strange visions and a tragic past, he’s also beginning to question his faith. When he’s suddenly thrust into an ancient feud, Caleb must decide whether wearing the collar is a part of God's plan, or an excuse to hide from his pain. Is it possible for a broken priest and a sand dweller to achieve redemption, or are they both doomed by circumstance beyond their control?

3 out of 5 (good)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

This review will be short, and for that I'm sorry. But I am struggling to word what I need to say about this book.

I'm not entirely sure what I think, to be honest, about this book. There is a lot of flipping between the past and present, and while each change is headed, there is much missing from each flip.

I felt that more could have been made of the NOW, rather than the past.

It's well written from a host of different points of view, and I did like that. I didn't spot any spelling or editing errors.

I just....*insert sigh*... don't see what the whole point of the story was. It's been left opened ended, maybe for another book, I don't know, it just....*insert ARGH!!!!!* ....I can't word it.

I gave it three stars, because we do get to here from everyone, and I did finish it.

3 stars

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

I am a life long reader of everything, from history, theology, and politics, to vampires, voodoo and romance. No longer settling for being just a reader, I decided to make the transition to writer!

I have an eclectic style and a wide range of tastes, including (but not limited to) pre-code classic movies, punk music, and anything with bacon in it.

When I'm not putting in 40 hours at my regular job, I'm busy reading, writing, aaaaand preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse. I live in the heart of the San Joaquin valley in California, with my super awesome husband, and my Whippet, named Devo.


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