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Lying In Ruins by Jami Gray

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In a world gone to hell, it's hard to tell the good guys from the bad... The world didn't end in fire and explosions, instead it collapsed slowly, like falling dominoes, an intensifying panic of disease, food shortages, wild weather and collapsing economies, until what remained of humanity battles for survival in a harsh new reality. Charity uses lethal survival skills learned too early in her work as a 'Hound, sniffing out pivotal secrets for one of the most powerful people on the west coast. Her work is deceptive, deadly, and best performed solo, which means when she has a run-in with a member of the notorious Fate's Vultures, she has no intention of joining forces in some mockery of teamwork. The man might be sexy as hell, but she travels alone. She will accomplish her mission and she will settle a score - hopefully with the edge of her blade. But fate has other plans. As one of Fate’s Vultures, a nomadic band of arbitrators known for their ruthless verdicts, Ruin witnesses the carnage of corruption and greed battering the remnants of humanity, and he bears the scars to prove it. Now he has a damn 'Hound showing up in suspicious circumstances, leaving every cell of his body sceptical - and painfully aroused. The woman is trouble, and Ruin has every intention of steering clear. But when they realise they have a common enemy, Charity and Ruin will have to set aside their distrust if they want to achieve their mutual goal - justice and revenge. Sometimes, when the world's gone to hell, it's better to stick with the devil you know...

5 out of 5 (exceptional)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Charity is a Hound, she uses her skill to find things, people, information. When her task means she crosses paths with Fate's Vultures, a band of highly skilled people known for delivering a ruthless hand, Ruin sets off all sorts of alarm bells. Charity sets Ruin's alarms off too. When Ruin's enemy turns out to be Charity's, they have to work together. I've read everything by Jami Gray, and this one holds its own against those other books. But this is a far bloodier book that what came before. And I loved it for that!! Charity and Ruin makes no apologies for who and what they are, and if killing someone as slowly as possible gets them their answers, they will do that. But they don't just dish it, they take their beatings too,and the way Gray describes it, makes housings with every single punch thrown and delivered! Set in a post apocalyptic world, some things remain the same, some things don't. I loved how Gray used buildings for things that was not their intended purpose, but she describes these places, you know exactly what they were. I loved the world building, or destroying as it were. You don't get it all in one go, and for me, that's the best way to deliver information, little bits at a time. I'm left with questions. Lots and lots of questions!! Who is behind it all? When did Ruin and Charity meet before, because that was hinted at and never explained. Is there another book?? How many books?? I want to know what's going on between Simon and Vex, because clearly there IS something. So many questions!! But that's a good thing, a really good thing as it kept me engaged and excited and interested from from to back. So, if you like your characters with a bit more bite, with secrets, with hidden agendas,and all those sorts of things, and your worlds a far more deadlier place, then this is for you. I've fed it on the darker/grittier and the over 18 shelf, because of the long and detailed violence. I can't give it any other word, I'm afraid! 5 full stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Adopted at the age of 14, I became the fifth eldest of 37 children while growing up on the Arizona-Mexico border. Heading off to college, I finally graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelor’s in Journalism and three minors-History, English, and Theater. Shortly after marrying my techie geek hubby (who moonlighted as my best friend in high school) I completed a Masters in Organizational Management from University of Phoenix Oregon as bills needed to be paid. Now, years later, I’m back in the Southwest where I’m out numbered in my own home by two Star Wars obsessed boys, one Star Wars obsessed husband, and an overly friendly 105 pound male lab. Writing is what saves my sanity.

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