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Textual Relations by Cate Ashwood

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Evolutionary psychology professor Henry Hathaway is ready to spend his birthday the same way he does every year: a good teeth cleaning followed by lunch with his brother. But when he receives a wrong-number text confirming the details of a date, he does what any considerate person would—he goes to meet them and explain why they've been stood up. Asher Wescott hadn't expected his blind date to go well, because when do they ever? Henry shows up instead, and things are suddenly looking up. Socially awkward and attached to his routines, Henry is nevertheless one of the most charming and kind men Asher has met in a long time. Too bad he's not Henry's type. An accidental date, an impulsive kiss, and a few conflicted feelings later, can Asher get Henry to see the world—and him—in a different light?

4 out of 5 (very good)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Henry gets a wrong number about a date,so he decides to turn up at the date to let Ash know HER date wasn't coming. But Ash is short for Asher and Henry finds himself on a date, with a guy.

This book landed in my queue at the right time for me. It's short, and cute, and mostly stress free and its a perfect hang over cure!!

It's told only from Henry's point of view, in the first person and this is the ONLY reason I didn't give it 5 stars, because Ash didn't have his say.

I loved how Henry didn't see what was happening with him and Ash, til it hit him like a freight train. Loved how he didn't question it too much either, he just went with the flow and enjoyed it.

It's a really easy read, some 100 pages, took me just over an hour. It's light hearted in places, not overly explicit, and mostly drama free. It gets a little hairy when Henry introduces Ash to his brother, but that's because of how it happens, rather than the fact he is introducing his brother to a MAN when he still thinks Ash is a girl!

A too stinking cute read, but not quite a warm and fuzzys one as well. Very well written,with no spelling or editing errors I spotted. **same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Cate discovered her love for books of all kinds early on, but romance is where her heart truly lies. She is addicted to the happily ever afters and the journey the characters take to get there. Currently residing in White Rock, B.C, Cate loves living just a stone's throw from the ocean. When she's not writing, she can be found consuming coffee at an alarming rate while wrangling her children, her husband, and their two cats.

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