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The Shipwreck (Lavender Shores, #4) by Rosalind Abel

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Lamont Price’s romance novels have been a hit for the past few years. With his gorgeous looks, kind heart, and tender disposition, Lamont is the darling of Lavender Shores. He’s the guy everyone wants to be their best friend, the guy everyone wants to protect. But even with his success and the love of his family, Lamont feels hidden from those around him. Maybe the first step is attending a writing conference and revealing the man behind his pen name.... Tyler Dixon survives off his beauty and charm. From cover model to runway fashion to weekend arm candy, Tyler’s prices aren’t cheap. While his appearance is taking him places, his life as an artist has little more than flatlined. When an author hires him to appear as the face of her brand, Tyler thinks it’s just one more job. Little does he know another writer is going to steal all of his attention. Escaping the conference to find some breathing room, Lamont runs into Tyler at a bar. Casual conversation leads to Lamont revealing his family’s obsession with helping him find love. It’s not a big deal to Tyler, who has played the role of boyfriend for other people in the past. Before either of them can rethink the situation, Tyler is in Lavender Shores meeting Lamont’s family. Though they’re only pretending to be in a relationship, the chemistry that ignites between them is anything but imaginary…

5 out of 5 (exceptional)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

This is book 4 in the Lavender Shores and you don't need to have read the other books, but they are great reads.

And jumping straight in!

I said in my review for book three that I was waiting for THAT book, the one that was a little more heart wrenching, a little more gripping, to tip the scales over to that 5 stars book.

This one did that!! I LOVED this book!!

Lamont is Andrew's brother, a writer writing hetero romance under a pen name. His gay romance under his own name isn't doing so good. His agent decides he needs to come clean that he is a man, and drags him to an author signing. When he manages to get some time to himself, he comes across Tyler, who is on the cover of one of his books. A conversation later, Lamont has a boyfriend to take home for a family event. And then it becomes a case of NOT pretending.

Like I said, LOVED this one, and I apologise if I gush! Lamont is such a sweet soul, he really is and his family just want him to be happy, like his brother and cousins are. They just keep pushing him and the more they push, the more he pushes back. Tyler is like a balm to his soul. Lamont to Tyler's too. They worked really well together.

I didn't get what TATE was doing til it was revealed in the book, and once I knew, I was like...say WAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?! Did I miss it?? Did I not pick the clues up?? I dunno, I *think* I just didn't pick the clues up, but whether they were there, apart form one that I put together after, I don't know, but well played, very well played.

Lamont's reaction to the news was very Lamont, and surprising but I loved that he didn't use all those kind of words that could have been thrown at Tyler, and Tyler didn't realise it til he was asked. Loved that Tyler waited for Lamont to decide if he was worth it, even if it killed him.

I'm being deliberately vague, I know, but if I told you, it would be spoilers, and I don't do spoilers!

There were some OMG moments, and some of those heart wrenching moments I had been waiting for, good job I was at home, because I bawled my eyes out in places, I really did.

I should also say, these books are still first person, multi point of view. And I really don't care!!

5 long awaited stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Rosalind Abel grew up tending chickens along side her sweet and faithful Chow, Lord Elgin. While her fantasy of writing novels was born during her teen years, she never would have dreamed she’d one day publish steamy romances about gorgeous men. However, sometimes life turns out better than planned.

In between crafting scorching sex scenes and helping her men find their soul mate, Rosalind enjoys cooking, collecting toys, and making the best damn scrapbooks in the world (this claim hasn’t been proven, but she’s willing to put good money on it).

She adores MM Romance and the power it has to sweep the reader away into worlds filled with passion, steam, and love. Rosalind also enjoys her collection of plot bunnies, and welcomes new fuzzy ones in her home all the time, so feel free to send any adorable ones her way.

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