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The Banger Trilogy by Donya Lynne

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She wants a sexy summer fling. He wants more. And he won’t stop until he gets it. Katherine Clayton, divorcée and single mother of two, just sent her kids to California to spend the summer with their father. During the ten months of the year when they’re in her custody, she gives all of herself to her children. She doesn’t even date. But the summers are hers, and she’s going to make the most of their absence with her annual summer fling. Unfortunately, her past four summer romances have fallen flat. If she can’t find a man this summer who can fulfill her needs, this year’s fling will be her last. Katherine needs a man who won’t leave her unsatisfied. For her, bigger truly is better, and anything less than huge won’t do. Greyson James is more man below the waist than most women can handle, and he’s beyond frustrated that he’s unable to enjoy the great sex other men take for granted. Since he finds no pleasure in causing women pain, traditional sex has become a novelty . . . until he meets Katherine. She’s exactly what he needs and vice versa. And the chemistry between them is undeniable. But after one night of intense passion, neither is prepared for the wicked ride fate has in store for them. Katherine just inherited her retiring father’s company, and the last thing on her mind is selling. But that’s exactly what Greyson wants her to do, which she finds out in a shocking turn of events when she shows up to a meeting in her father’s place to find that the person she’s meeting with is none other than the captivating man she spent one gloriously erotic night with just days before. Now Katherine must decide if she can trust Greyson with not only her heart, but her company. As the Banger Trilogy unfolds, Greyson and Katherine will wrestle with their feelings for each other, long-held family secrets will be revealed, and scandals neither could have imagined will rock them to the core. Will what they’ve found in each other be enough for happily ever after? Or will one passionate summer be all they share?

5 out of 5 (exceptional)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

This is book ONE in the Banger trilogy, which was previously released as 7 part books. I was going to buy them, all 7 books, once they were all out, but life got in the way and I totally forgot about getting. Until I saw they were being re-branded and re-released as a trilogy. They were released on Jan 1st 2018 and I purchased all three in one.

And let me ya!! You NEED all three before you start!! Seriosuly, DO NOT attempt these books til you have all three (book one is currently free Jan 6th 2018)

Because this will GRAB you and not let you go! Took me about 90 minutes, to read all 233 pages and I did not move for those 90 minutes!

And you know what?? I did not notice, it did not even occur to me til I was over half way through about something about the way this book is written

First Person

Multi Point of View


Present Tense!

So there I was, merrily reading away, about Katherine and her hunt, about Greyson and his personal affliction and about them doing naughty unexpected things to each other and it hits me! Like a freaking sledgehammer to the face! It hit me that this book, that grabbed me so well, is written in the PRESENT FLIPPING TENSE! For me to get way past half way, for that penny to drop, just shows you how engaging I found Katherine and Greyson.

It is explicit, it's down and dirty. It makes no apologies for being so either! It is, in places, emotional. Not quite the bawl your eyes out, more the kind I wanna stab Katherine's ex's eye out with a blunt pencil, but I have a feeling the bawling is to come. Oh yes, I know its-a-coming!

I Love Ms Lynne's work, and this is an excellent addition to her library.

Off to read book 2, Covet Me now.

5 full and sexy stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

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It’s been twenty years since Katherine’s mom died. What makes the anniversary of her death even harder this year is that Katherine just found out the man she wanted to spend her summer with, Greyson, wants to buy her company. Since she’s actually entertaining the idea, there’s no way she can have a relationship with Greyson, so she calls the whole thing off. Greyson can’t accept that he and Katherine are already over before they even began. He’s determined to change her mind. When Katherine unknowingly joins his cycling club, he seizes the opportunity to chip away at her reservations. When it becomes clear the intense chemistry they felt with each other that first night still exists, Katherine can’t stay away. But if they are to move forward with both their relationship, he must follow her rules, the most important of which being that no one can know they’re romantically involved, especially when they’re inking a deal between their companies. On the surface, Greyson agrees to her terms, but deep down, he has no intention of ever letting Katherine go. He’s found the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with and refuses to be just a summer fling. He’s determined to make Katherine see that they belong together, not just for the summer, but forever. As complications sprout in Katherine’s life, her relationship with Greyson deepens in ways she never imagined. But it’s when she sees him with another woman at a mutual friend’s wedding that she realizes just how deeply her feelings for Greyson run. She’s not prepared for the powerful, jealous reaction that sends her into a tailspin of insecurity and confusion. Maybe she won’t be able to give Greyson up at the end of summer like she planned. But just when she’s ready to take to take a leap of faith, fate rears its ugly head yet again. And, this time, love may not be enough to overcome the obstacles being driven between them.

5 out of 5 (exceptional)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

I reiterate my point that I made at the beginning of book 1, Choose Me: You NEED all three before you start!! Seriosuly, DO NOT attempt these books til you have all three (book one is currently free Jan 6th 2018)

Because book two picks up right where book one left off, it follows IMMEDIATELY after Greyson gave Katherine her choice. To come to dinner or not, he'll be there.

Katherine makes her choice, it's obvious which way she will go, these two are totally MADE for each other, but it's great fun watching her get there.

It is again, down and dirty and again makes no apologies for that. It's right and proper for these books to be so, it really is.

But there is more emotion here. Not quite the bawling eyes out ( I know that's coming cos upon writing this, I've already read book three!) but it still tugs at your heart stings when Greyson finally discovers he can make LOVE to Katherine, not just bang her against the wall. That he can do sweet and slow just as much as hard and fast.

And then, just as Katherine and Greyson have decided that, really, this ain't just a summer fling, it's way much more that that, Ms Lynne throws a MAHOOSIVE spanner in the works, and my kindle, my brand new paperwhite, had it's first introduction to the wall!!

To be honest, I almost saw it coming, I just did not expect it to be THAT bad!!

Not quite managed in one sitting, cos the dayjob got in the way, but still.

5 full and shiny stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

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Greyson’s world is imploding. After twenty years of estrangement, his mother has re-entered his life, and it couldn’t have happened at a worse time or in a more destructive manner. Faced with a new reality he can’t wrap his mind around, he pushes Katherine away. Broken hearted and left to wonder what has happened, Katherine is inconsolable. But it doesn’t take long for her own family secrets to reveal a betrayal that shatters everything she thought she knew. In one shocking afternoon, the questions she’s been asking herself for years finally yield answers, but they bring nothing but more pain. Unable to cope and find the strength to fight in the face of such insurmountable odds, Katherine realizes it’s time to get her priorities back in order, put her focus back on her kids, and end her summer fling, no matter how much it hurts. But Greyson has never been the type of man to surrender without a fight. He is determined to win her back, even if he has to push her further than he ever has. But will Katherine be so easily wooed? Especially when there are things they still don’t know about each other? If you thought you knew everything there was to know about Greyson and Katherine, think again. These two still hold a few surprises for each other. Surprises they’ll have to weather if they are truly going to reach their happily ever after.

5 out of 5 (exceptional)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

I AGAIN stress my point: You NEED all three before you start!! Seriously, DO NOT attempt these books til you have all three (book one is currently free Jan 6th 2018)

Book three picks up right where book two leaves off, with that devastating revelation that leaves both Kathrine and Greyson heartbroken. And me, to tell you the truth!

That bawling your eyes I mentioned before?? Here, in flipping buckets! Make sure you have tissues!

It is emotionally draining, reading about what really happened to Greyson dad, and to Katherine's mum. What happened to push his dad to do what he did. What pushed HER dad to do what he did. It's vague, I know, but I work hard NOT to include spoilers! It's just one big mess!

And there, front and centre are two broken hearts. Two people who cannot deal with all this at the moment, but they HAVE to. Two halves of one whole that NEED to be back together, but still there are walls. Walls around her heart, his heart too, that need to be broken down for them to be really happy!

And while it IS heartbreaking reading, it is also amazing watching them both, deal with what's happened. Having their breakdown, and pulling themselves out of that funk and fighting for what they want. Greyson, especially pulls no punches in going after the one thing, the one PERSON who totally makes him whole.

And of course, there are a couple of dramas along the way, that were sprung outta nowhere, and throw everything about, but its great watching Katherine overcome those.

And they do, finally, in a most awesome way, get their happy ever after.

I read this one in one sitting, 90 minutes again!

I'm annoyed with myself, you know?? Because I WAS going to buy these books when they were originally published in 7 parts, and I never got round to it, and I could have had all this awesomeness on my kindle way before now.

So, I can only give this third book the same as the rest,

5 full and shiny stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* Personal Verified Purchase *

Donya Lynne is the bestselling author of the award winning All the King's Men and Strong Karma Series and a member of Romance Writers of America. Making her home in a wooded suburb north of Indianapolis with her husband, Donya has lived in Indiana most of her life and knew at a young age she was destined to be a writer. She started writing poetry in grade school and won her first short story contest in fourth grade. In junior high, she began writing romantic stories for her friends, and by her sophomore year, she’d been dubbed Most Likely to Become a Romance Novelist. In 2012, she fulfilled her dream by publishing her first two novels and a novella. In 2016, she began writing serialized novels under the pen name, Dick Hertz. Her work has earned her two IPPYs, five ELit Awards, a USA Today Recommended Read, and numerous accolades. In October and November of 2015, she had two books hit the Smashwords Top 25 Bestsellers list. When she’s not writing, she can be found cheering on the Indianapolis Colts or doing her cats’ bidding.

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