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The Druid's Gift (The Nameless Gods #1) by Dante Silva & Vanessa Mozes

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After facing betrayal, Nuné undertakes a pilgrimage into the mountains at her druid sisters' behest. Plans of washing away her sorrows at journey's end are dashed when she falls prey to the night elf warrior, D'leer. With her magic in danger, Nuné must make D’leer see reason lest others befall her fate. Tyrinden D'leer always knew he would advance to highest rank one day, but not like this. Caught between adhering to his superiors and resisting the tenacious druid, he finds himself in an impossible position, but when Nuné saves his life, he can no longer ignore his feelings. However Tyrinden D'leer isn't the only man to come from the mountains, and the danger that lingers threatens to take him from the woman he can't let go of.

4 out of 5 (very good)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

She was supposed to on a pilgrimage, being kidnapped for sacrifice was not in the plan!

I gotta be honest here, and you'll know when I gotta talk about my feelings about books, I'm nothing if not honest! When asked did I want to read this book, it came with a link, and of course I looked at it, and my first reaction was nope. That cover did nothing for me, but the blurb grabbed, so I said yes. NOW, I've read this book, and feel I should say this. That cover is right and proper for this book!! It fits Nune and Ty's story so perfectly! And it is a rather good book!

Nune is a day elf, a Druid, and Ty a night elf. They usually never cross paths. Nune is on a pilgrimage and Ty is on an initiation to move up the warrior ranks, I forget what the name he used is, sorry! Nune was supposed to be his sacrifice for this initiation, but after befriending each other, they question why Ty suddenly has to do this, when it's never been required of warriors before.

It is, quite simply, brilliantly written high fantasy. I really find myself engrossed in Nune and Ty, and their path towards finding out just what is going on in Ty's village, and why things are changing so rapidly, to the detriment of the day elves. It's told from both Nune and Ty's point of view. It does carry some difficult subjects, kidnap, elf sacrifice but these are dealt with very well.

Its not overly explicit, indeed, I thought it might actually come out clean, but Nune and Ty do get naughty on. Again, well written. Not overly graphic either, what's here is right for this book.

And there is a MUCH bigger picture that I'm still not seeing. Ty's brother is missing. There's the reason why the Nameless Gods are being summoned. And Ty still has to face his superiors about his failed quest when he gets home.

A step out of my comfort zone, but a very nice step. I hope I get to follow Nune and Ty on their quest.

And an apology to the author for not spelling Nune with accent on the e, I don't know how to put that on!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

I am Dante Silva, and I’m joined by my wonderful co-author Vanessa Mozes. We’re both lovers of fantasy and strong characterization and steep ourselves in roleplaying and epic tales regularly.

Together, we write fantasy romance stories that we’re excited to share with all of you. We hope to share details with you as we continue the writing process.

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