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Kiss of Leather Series (8 books) by Morticia Knight

Morticia Knight is offering an ebook of Building Bonds to one lucky winner. And if you already have that one, you can choose from Morticia's backlist!

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Kyle’s a natural sub who builds dungeon furniture, yet has no interest in BDSM. It takes a hunky Dom to show him just what he’s been missing. After Kyle’s partner of five years leaves him for another man on the night of their housewarming party, the shy, early-thirties carpenter needs to do a major reassessment of his life in addition to raising some serious cash. With no one to help him pay the lease on his Los Angeles condo, he worries how he’ll survive. His best friend sets up a meeting with one of the Doms and partners at Kiss of Leather, a gay BDSM club being built as a premier destination for those who want the best of the best. Master Gavin not only wants the best—he demands it. When he meets Kyle, he assumes that part of the builder’s reticence to share anything personal with him must be due to his experiences with an abusive former Master. Not one to back down from a challenge, Gavin determines to break through the walls surrounding the beautiful man he can’t get out of his mind. He’s hopeful that once he convinces Kyle to sign an initial contract, Kyle might be the first sub to open up his heart. Misunderstandings and accusations almost destroy everything between them before they have a real chance to begin. However, the true obstacle becomes not only whether Kyle will embrace BDSM as a lifestyle, but also whether he can handle a full-time D/s relationship with a big, bad, scary Dom who’s as sexy as hell.

4 out of 5 (very good)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

I have a soft spot for male/male romances, and a soft spot for BDSM books. Stick the two together, and you have a sure fire winner!

What I particularly enjoyed about this one, was that Kyle had, up to now, no interest in the BDSM world! His friend, Marshall, recommended him to his previous Master's new business venture, a club. Kyle is a master at BDSM hardwear; crosses, benches and the like but has no interest in using them, he just makes them. He tells himself this often enough, he'll begin to believe it! That is, until he comes face to face with Gavin. Kyle can no longer deny his feelings. Gavin is Sir, Master to his subs. He believes in the full and total submission of his subs. Kyle pushes ALL of Gavin's buttons and then some!

Master Josh, and Master Derek are joint business partners with Gavin, and we get a little, but not much, insight into their lives. I'm hoping that somewhere along the way we will get more of Master Josh and his partner, his sub, David. Master Derek has his story up next.

What I also really liked, and, being honest here, cos you know I gotta say, was this: the relationship moves at SPEED between Master Gavin and Kyle. Ordinarily, I wouldn't like that, more so in a BDSM book, but it felt right and proper for Master Gavin to fall so utterly in love with the shy sweet man that is Kyle.

Laying down of future books happens too, and I can't wait to read them! I have a feeling that all these guys, those we have already met, and those we haven't, are going to fall in love fast and deep and HARD and I cannot wait!

I've read a couple of Ms Knight's books before, I like the way she concentrates more on the emotions involved in BDSM, rather than the actual physical parts.

Great start to the series!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

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The men from Kiss of Leather gather together to rescue a terrified young sub. But it’s Master Derek who wants to keep him for good. Master Gavin and his boy, Kyle, are celebrating their newly established bond when Master Josh calls requesting their help. Josh’s sub, David, needs the men to help his best friend from childhood while they’re away at a BDSM convention in San Francisco. Corey ran away from his Master after a horrible scene, but he blames himself for everything that happened. No Master would ever want him if they were to find out what he did. Corey’s not sure if he’ll ever feel safe enough to give himself to a Master again anyway, even if all he’s ever wanted was to belong to somebody. Master Derek agrees to watch over Corey until Josh and David return from the convention. All he needs is another pretty twink messing with his head and his heart, so the older, growly bear of a man determines to keep his distance. But when Corey wakes up screaming after a devastating nightmare, Derek is more drawn than ever to the young sub—the need to keep Corey safe from whatever or whoever has hurt him becoming his main priority. Kyle and Corey develop a friendship when Corey assists Kyle in the dungeon furniture workshop. Kyle has his own fears—the ones that make him feel he’s broken because of the things he desires to do with Gavin. Through helping Kyle and receiving his own help via Derek, Corey decides he’s ready to let go of the demons from his past and move forward into a new life. Now if Corey can only get Derek to believe that he’s ready—and to finally do something about it. Reader Advisory: This book contains a flashback scene of rape by multiple aggressors.

5 out of 5 (exceptional)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Book two in the Kiss of Leather series and I strongly recommend you read book one, Building Bonds, first. Master Gavin and Kyle's relationship continues in this book. Master Derek agrees to watch over David's best friend, Corey, while Master Josh and David are away. Faced with the young man, Master Derek can't help but soften his natural growlly voice; Corey is scared, and when Master Derek finds out WHY?? Oh my days! Protective instincts abound! Corey needs to know: whatever HE did, he did not deserve what happened to him. Again, Master Derek and Corey's relationship moves rapidly, far more so that I was expecting, especially when the truth about what Corey ran from becomes clear. Master Derek needs to temper his natural bear-ness, although Corey does has a thing for a bear! It doesn't take long for these two to admit their feelings, though and I rather enjoyed being made to wait for them to consummate their relationship. Also enjoying again, the EMOTIONS involved! Corey is, by his own admission, a bit of a mess and it takes all of Master Derek's experience as a Master to bring out just what Corey is feeling. I think the event that bought Corey to Master Derek might run on into future books. Things are progressing at the club, although still not yet open! Loving these books so far. Loved this one a bit more than book one! Quite a bit more! I hope they are all up to this standard. Trying NOT to read them back to back though! Loving that ALL the guys seem to be taking a part in these books. This one carries a darker story line, and some readers may find it difficult reading. 5 full stars **same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

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Kyle’s best friend Marshall resurfaces and he’s in a lot of trouble. Can the men at Kiss of Leather convince a former Dom to take on the mouthy sub? Master Derek and his new sub Corey have signed a contract and enjoy their first scene together. The love between them is strong and Derek is as protective of his boy as ever. The only thing left that would make their world perfect would be to bring Corey’s ex-Dom and abuser to justice. The legal firm that represents Kiss of Leather is charged with hiring a private investigator to flush out the man who orchestrated Corey’s gang rape. Stone Manning is hesitant to take the job, though. He was once wrongly accused in the death of a sub and swore never to enter a BDSM club again. But he owes attorney Glen Sharp his life after the lawyer got him acquitted. Their meeting is disrupted when Kyle’s missing friend Marshall calls for help. Master Josh promises to help the mouthy Marshall get back on his feet under one condition—Marshall must sign a six month D/s contract as a full-time sub and prove he can fully submit to a man as well as learn to respect those around him. Stone Manning suddenly finds himself charged with taming the brattiest sub ever. In truth, the bigger the brat, the more his heart races with excitement. Marshall promises to be just the type of challenge to inspire Stone to be a Master again. As Stone learns more about him, he sees the pain that Marshall has always tried to numb with drugs and alcohol. Stone also sees a man he could love—if he can ever reach him. In the meantime, Stone and his investigative partner, Chuck, continue to search for Corey’s attacker. The abusive Dom appears to have gone underground. But what they don’t realize is that the closer they get to their prey, the more dangerous he becomes. Reader Advisory: This book contains references to drug and alcohol abuse.​

5 out of 5 (exceptional)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Book 3 in the Kiss of Leather series, and I again STRONGLY recommend you read book one, Building Bonds, and two, Safe Limits first. There are things that happen in those books that you need to know about for this one to make sense. Reluctant Dom meets bratty sub! Marshall is Kyle's best friend and had disappeared. Calling on Master Josh for help was a last ditch to get the help he needs. Help that comes in the form of the private detective Kiss of Leather's law firm recommends to find the Dom who hurt Corey. Stone hasn't been in any sort of D/s lifestyle for 5 years, since the death of a sub that he was accused of. But meeting Marshall, seeing that young man all haggard looking and far too thin, releases something in Master Stone and he steps up to teach Marshall that true submission really is a beautiful thing. If you follow you reviews (and I thank you if you do!) you'll know I'm all about the sexy time. I do love my books on the more explicit side, and I make no bones nor apologies for that. What I particularly LOVED about this one, was that Master Stone and Marshall do not get their sexy time til the last TEN MINUTES of their story! I LOVED being made to wait. Oh, don't get me wrong, Master Stone knows just how to teach Marshall about self worth and he teaches him that punishment does not mean pain, although Marshall a pain-slut. Master Stone rather enjoys teaching the bratty subs, the brattier the better and Marshall just happens to be the most brattiest, stubborn, mouthy sub he has ever come across. And Master Stone, very quickly, makes its very clear that Marshall will have to wait, and wait PATIENTLY to have sex with him. And I LOVED IT!!! The hunt for Corey's abuser continues, takes a shocking turn. I'm not telling you what though! Cos, you know, SPOILERS and all that! But I will tell you, when all this goes down, Master Stone has the exact same reaction as Master Derek does, and they go after THEIR boys. Sometimes, in a series, especially when the main couples are very similar (here, big bad Dom and younger smaller guy) they get a little same old/same old. I'm NOT finding that here though. Yes all three Doms are older, and bigger, and yes, all three subs are younger and smaller, but their STORIES are so different! The on-going story arc helps a great deal, and the fact that the guys from the previous books continue to play a HUGE part in future books, too, but it's the SUBS who have the greatest differences and I LOVE that they are all friends. Up next, are Master Josh and David. While already in a committed relationship, I can't wait to get their story. Because it's the Grand Opening of Kiss of Leather and I have a feeling it is not going to be as plain sailing as it has been and I look forward to being introduced to new characters. Some reference to drug and alcohol abuse, but not described in any detail. Loving these! 5 full stars **same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

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The men of Kiss of Leather celebrate a beginning, but will the price be another ending? The grand opening of Kiss of Leather draws near and the pressure is on to make sure everything is completed in time. Master Josh is a perfectionist, so no detail is too small in order to enhance the quality of the prestigious club they’ve all worked so tirelessly on. Unfortunately, the endless demands on Josh’s time have caused him to forget the more important things in life. David’s love for Master Josh is overpowering at times, but lately, that love has been constantly tested. How can a sub in a fulltime D/s relationship serve a Master who’s never there? As things continue to deteriorate between him and Josh, David wonders if maybe his Master has tired of having to care for a sub full time. By the time the grand opening arrives, Josh and David seem to have worked out their differences and David is hopeful for their future. The emotional collaring ceremony between Gavin and Kyle is a beautiful reminder of the power of love. But when an unexpected party crasher intrudes on the evening’s festivities, the men are reminded that there are still too many unanswered questions related to Corey’s kidnapping. More than ever, the men of Kiss of Leather need to stand strong together. Will Josh and David be able to do the same?

4 out of 5 (very good)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

This is book 4 in the Kiss of Leather series, and you really SHOULD read the other books first, you won't get the full enjoyment out of this one if you don't. This is all about Master Josh and his sub, David. Although they are already in a committed relationship, things between are tense, with Master Josh so busy at the club, and David left at home. Usually, David enjoys the Total Power Exchange part of their relationship, but how can he care for his Master, when said Master is never home? This one, for me, fell a little short. While it IS Master Josh and David's story, it felt like there was very little of Master Josh and David! When David calls "moratorium" and calls a halt to their relationship, Master Josh is placed in a situation he never was meant to be: at the feet of another Dom. Gavin, to be exact. And we get so little of what Master Josh goes through, during those two weeks! I so desperately wanted it all: every single thing Master Gavin does to make Josh (cos let's face it, at this point, he doesn't deserve his Master title!) see, to really SEE what he has been putting David through, and we only get the very last bit. The Grand Opening does eventually go off without a hitch, Master Josh and David's problems notwithstanding, but there is an unwelcome visitor, and Corey's kidnapping comes right back into the action. I do enjoy the continuing story arc, and the fact that ALL the players from previous books continue to take part in subsequent books. Just that this one fell a little flat. so, 4 stars **same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

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Chuck isn’t sure what he needs and Master Jordan can’t wait to show him. Stone’s shy junior investigator, Chuck, can no longer deny his interest in the BDSM lifestyle. The beautiful connections and raw emotions he’s witnessed between so many of the Doms and subs at Kiss of Leather, leave him yearning for something he’d never dared hope he could have: unconditional love and care from a man. He isn’t sure if he can take the chance of having a real relationship when he’s not out to his meddling parents yet, but the sexy Master Jordan, Gavin’s friend and the owner of Club Consequence, makes him want to take that chance. Master Jordan has been biding his time until he can get next to the super-fine Chuck. Gavin warned him that Chuck wasn’t in the lifestyle, but there’s something special about him that Jordan can’t deny. When they’re finally alone, the chemistry is off the charts and Jordan can tell it won’t take much to bring Chuck willingly into the world of BDSM. An unexpected development in the case of Corey’s kidnappers shocks them all, but not as much as what happens with Chuck’s family. Jordan teaches Chuck that secrets hold power over the person keeping them, and that gaining trust can only be achieved through complete honesty.

5 out of 5 (exceptional)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

And just like that, back up to 5 stars! This is book 5 in the Kiss of Leather series, and you really REALLY should read the previous books first. There is an ongoing story arc and you need to be able to follow what's going on with that. And they are 4 and 5 stars reads Chuck has been undercover in another BDSM establishment, and has come to the conclusion he needs to be in this world. A world where these guys are so totally and utterly in love with each other, that he NEEDS that too. Master Jordan has been waiting to get his hands on Chuck, waiting for Chuck to admit what he wants to experience. Master Jordan knows that once he gets his hands on the handsome man, he might never be able to let go. Master Jordan is, quite possibly, my most favourite of the Doms in this series. He is so laid back, any further and he would be horizontal! While very much a Dom, he is much more relaxed about it, calling Chuck things like babe, and sweetheart. He loves Chuck, right from the start and that shows in his careful handling of Chuck. Chuck takes to Master Jordan very quickly, and I love watching these guys: Doms and subs alike, fall fast and fall HARD. Loving that it usually takes a major traumatic event to make the Doms see who they really want but not so much here. I'm loving that each and every one of them from previous books play some part in future books. Loving the gentle introduction of the new guys. Loving the ongoing story arc that seems to be coming to a head. Loving that I have no idea when or where this is going to end! I said in a previous review, that I'm loving the differences between the subs, but that all the Doms are these big guys and the subs are all younger and smaller. I still AM loving that, but I find myself thinking, what if?? What if there was a brand new Dom, who needs training with an older bigger sub?? Cos, you know, that would just bean amazing addition to this series! Off to read book 6, trying really hard NOT to read them back to back but it's getting harder!! 5 stars **same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

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Liam yearns for Master Neal’s harsh touch, but Neal fears that a part-time Master can’t give a full-time sub everything he needs. Liam’s world crumbled after the unexpected death of his Master. Prone to panic attacks and other social anxiety, Liam doesn’t believe he’ll ever find another Master who would be willing to take on such a challenged sub fulltime. Too distraught to go back to Club Consequence where he met the man he thought he’d be with forever, he decides to give Kiss of Leather a try. After doing a piercing gig at Kiss of Leather, Master Neal signs up to become a member. On the night he performs a demo as the final step to being accepted, he meets a sub who brings out his protective urge and makes his heart come alive. Neal isn’t scared off by Liam’s anxiety or social awkwardness. On the contrary, he finds the sub to be refreshingly honest and endearing. They try out a scene to see if they’ll click, and their connection is everything they’d both hoped it could be. However, the road to love and a Total Power Exchange isn’t an easy one. Neal still hasn’t discovered all there is to know about Liam’s traumatic upbringing, and he’s not sure if he’d ultimately be the right Master for Liam. Both men are forced to face the truth about love, life and what it means to share it with another person. But before Liam can start over with Neal, he’ll have to cut the cords to his past and trust that Neal will be there to catch him when he does. Reader Advisory: This book contains references to a traumatic and abusive upbringing.

5 out of 5 (exceptional)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Book 6 in the series, and blah blah blah, READ the others first! Cos I SAID so!! I don't recall if we met Liam in previous, or he was just mentioned as a friend of the other subs, but we certainly don't meet Master Neal til this book. Liam is traumatized by the death of his previous Master, and is skittish, and very socially awkward. Watching Master Neal doing a flogging at Kiss Of leather as part of his being accepted into the club, Liam is all kinds of torn up. For his love for Master Mark, but his need to move on. Being introduced to the painfully shy Liam, Master Neal's protectiveness goes into overdrive. He never wanted anyone like he wants Liam, and if he can be who and what Liam wants and needs, he will bide his time, treat Liam with the kid gloves he needs. I said in my review of Gaining trust that I thought Master Jordan was my most favourite, but now I have a dilemma! Because I LOVED Master Neal! And Liam, so painfully socially awkward! oh! Loved them both! Master Neal never wanted to do the TPE thing, but for Liam, he might just be able to do it. Liam needs that, and Master Neal needs Liam. He just didn't know he did, til he met Liam. I can't express how much Liam's story affected me, he had a painful upbringing and then meeting Master Mark, a much MUCH older guy, he was very sheltered. Watching him come out of himself, and become the young man who helps Master Neal at his tattoo and piercing shop was great fun. Master Neal is very playful with Liam, and while Liam needs the TPE, he also learns there are other things he needs. While the on going story arc is somewhat finished, it goes into different, more deadly direction. Spoilers I ain't giving! We are introduced to Tobey and Master Hunter, and also a couple of very interesting characters at Master Neal's tattoo shop! A story for Ray and Cruella would make a very welcome addition to this series!! 5 full stars **same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

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As the men of Kiss of Leather celebrate the resolution of the case of Corey’s kidnappers, Master Hunter worries that he’ll never see Tobey again. Chuck isn’t about to let one of the key figures behind Corey’s kidnapping get away from him again. Everything he and Stone have discovered through their months-long investigation is about to come together. However, when Chuck follows the suspect to a shipyard, it’s not only his life that’s in danger. Master Hunter is officially part-owner of Kiss of Leather, so he’s thrilled to raise a toast in celebration, now that the mystery of Corey’s kidnapping has been solved. However, he can’t help but feel left out. Everyone is paired up except for him. He’s never believed in monogamy before, but after Tobey unexpectedly left Kiss of Leather and no one knows where he’s gone, did Hunter make a horrible mistake by not sharing his true feelings? Tobey is miserable ever since leaving West Hollywood and going back to Idaho. Breaking his own promise to himself by falling in love with his trainer, Tobey left Kiss of Leather impulsively after Master Hunter said something horrible to him. But things at home are worse than ever, and he’s come to realize that those who are related to him by blood aren’t necessarily his true family. The only place he’s ever felt he truly belonged was at Kiss of Leather. Tobey has to face Hunter if he goes back to Kiss of Leather and Hunter has to figure out what he really wants from life and love. It takes a charity slave auction to show them what they’ve both been too stubborn to see. Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of violence.

5 out of 5 (exceptional)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

We met Master Hunter and Tobey in the previous book, but it wasn't clear they had any scenes, of anything. In this book, Tobey has run home because of something Master Hunter said. And when Tobey decides that home is NOT Idaho, but in the company of those who live and breathe the lifestyle, he knows he has to face Master Hunter again. He just doesn't know if his heart can stand it! What I particularly enjoyed about this one was, that Master Hunter and Tobey already had their getting together, they had their feelings grow and develop, and this is about them getting back together! And, also, *don't die of shock, here folks!* there is very little sexy time! Yes, yes I know, I KNOW I usually like my books with lots of sexy time, and this whole series has been amazing for that, but this book?? Not needed, at all. Cos what it's about is really two men, getting their act together and telling each other how they really feel! When Tobey gives Master Hunter a chance to explain his comment, well, lets just say, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (and pass the bucket! ) The whole saga around Corey's kidnapping takes another turn, and it isn't Corey in danger this time, it's Liam. And Master Neal's world comes crashing down around his ears when he realised Liam is gone. I mentioned Cruella (working in Master Neal's tattoo studio) in my review for book 6, but thinking back on it (I had already read book 7 before writing that review) I don't think they don't appear til this book. But I stand by what I said, Cruella and Ray would make an excellent edition to this series, even if they aren't in the lifestyle in any way. Cruella is quite the character, and I do love the quirky ones. I have book 8 to read, but I don't wanna! I don't want this series to end! 5 stars **same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

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Tai wishes Master Lucas wasn’t such an adamant Top, but he’s also crushing on the sweetly submissive Elliot. Could he have it both ways?

Tai has hit a wall in life. From all outward appearances, he’s the guy who has everything—looks, personality and money. But the modeling gigs are drying up and he still hasn’t found that special someone to call his own. The part-time work at Kiss of Leather is quickly becoming full-time to prevent the drain on his dream-business savings.

Elliot fell for the stunning Tai from almost the moment he met him. If he wasn’t so self-conscious about the weight he’s recently put on, maybe he could work up the nerve to make a move. However, not only is he a virgin who’s never done a scene before working in a BDSM club, but he’s also sure that Tai has a thing for Master Lucas. There’s no way he could ever compete with the handsome silver fox.

When Master Lucas confesses to Tai that he doesn’t only see him as a hookup and offers him a contract, there are a ton of considerations. They both realize that serious compromises would have to be made for them to have a relationship. But what if they found a third, a sub who could bottom for Tai and also do TPE with Master Lucas? Once the idea takes hold, Tai knows just the perfect boy for them both. Even better? He’s right there at Kiss of Leather, and Tai can’t wait for Elliot to turn them all into a throuple.

5 out of 5 (exceptional)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

This is book 8 in the series, the last one currently available, but for THIS book, you don't NEED to have read the other 7 books, it's far more a stand alone than the others. BUT you SHOULD read them, to get the full picture of what Elliot has been watching happen in Kiss of Leather. I have been equally looking forward to this book, as much as I have been dreading it. Because THIS is the book that I really REALLY wanted to read, and because this is the last book. After reading the other 7 in a short space of time, I hung onto this one, for as long as I possibly could! Master Lucas won Tai at the auction, and they've had a good run. They both know that this might not last, not least because Master Lucas does not bottom or sub, and Tai is a switch. But also because Master Lucas needs a TPE sub, and Tai is so not into that! Adding a third to their relationship might be the answer, and Tai knows just the boy. And Elliot is just the sweetest boy! A sweet young man who just wants to help. A sweet young man who has been majorly crushing on Tai, and Master Lucas to a point, since he started at Kiss of Leather. A sweet young man who makes a dreadful decision that requires help from Master Lucas and Tai and they come through brilliantly! I loved this , immensely! Elliot is such a sweetheart; Master Lucas, such a Dom and Tai fits somewhere between the two. Tai isn't bratty like Marshall (book 3) he just isn't totally subby. He and Master Lucas teach Elliot all the things he wanted to know, but never had anyone to do them with. They make it clear, right from the start, that this is not a once in a while thing, this is a permanent arrangement for as long as they all want it. It's glorious watching Elliot come into his own, both as sub for Masters Lucas and Tai, but also at the club, behind the bar and in the kitchen. His "hobby" for food and drink gives him a great deal of confidence. Not as emotionally wrecking as some of the other books, nor did I find it as explicit. What I did find, though, is it is a beautifully written tale of 3 men finding what and who is right for them: each other. If this really is the end?? It's a very fitting end. 5 stars **same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

M/M Erotic Romance author Morticia Knight enjoys hot stories of men loving men forever after. They can be men in uniform, Doms and subs, rock stars or bikers - but they're all searching for the one (or two!) who was meant only for them. When not indulging in her passion for books, she loves the outdoors, film and music. Once upon a time she was the singer in an indie rock band that toured the West Coast and charted on U.S. college radio. She is currently working on more installments of Sin City Uniforms and The Hampton Road Club, as well as the follow-up to Bryan and Aubrey's story from Rockin' the Alternative.


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