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Feathers and Foxes (Brodyr Alarch #2) by Morgan Sheppard

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Terrwyn, prince of Melthkior and a wandering scribe, has roamed far and wide across distant lands. Summoned by Aerfen, the King of Erast, he embarks on a quest to solve the mystery of the stolen apples, a divine gift from the goddess Olwen.

In Erast, Terrwyn encounters the royal family: Queen Crisiant and the princes, Heilyn, Conan, and Iestin. Amidst the intrigue, he forms a bond with Sulien, a maid whose presence enchants him—until she inexplicably disappears. Can Terrwyn uncover the thief’s identity and find Sulien before his journey’s end?

Feathers and Foxes presents a reimagined tale of The Golden Bird and stands as the second instalment in the Brodyr Alarch series, intertwining Brothers Grimm narratives with the rich mythology of the Welsh deities. Sealed with a Curse is the overarching narrative framework for the expansive Brodyr Alarch series.

“Olwen, my heart is heavy and my soul is burdened,” she whispered, a sigh leaving her. “My heart yearns for Terrwyn and yet I have just sent him away. Did I do the right thing? I am haunted by thoughts of him—his laughter, his touch, everything about him fills my waking and sleeping thoughts—but he is a prince and a travelling scribe. He is forever beyond my reach, a love unattainable, like a dream slipping through my fingers. What am I to do?” Her fingers played with the red ribbon as tears fell once again. She leaned down and placed the little twig bouquet against the trunk of a tree.

“You’ve got yourself in a right pickle, haven’t you?” Olwen appeared before Sulien, compassion shining in her eyes. “And you’ve quite upset Terrwyn. Why are you tearing yourself apart like this, Sulien?”

Sulien gasped and scrambled to stand up.

“Stop that and sit yourself down,” commanded Olwen, waving her hand. “Thanks for the gift, by the way. I should have said that first.” She picked up the bundle of hawthorn twigs, stroking them softly. She looked over to Sulien and cocked her head to the side. “There are many, many songs about love, Sulien. Everyone has their own experience of it, and yet none can tell you how you should find it.” Olwen settled herself. “Listen to me now. I’m going to give you a goddess speech, so you should appreciate it. I don’t do it if I can help it, but I feel you need it.”

Taking a deep breath, Olwen started to speak, her voice melodious and soothing. “Love is a force as ancient as time itself, weaving its tendrils through the tapestry of existence. Though you may feel as if your love is but a whisper lost in the wind, know that its essence permeates the very fabric of your being, shaping you into the person you were always meant to be. It is a flame that burns fiercely, defying limitations of understanding, and it is this flame that will guide you through your darkest hours.”

She reached over and caught Sulien’s hands. “Your road to love may be filled with obstacles as yet unknown, but it is through perseverance that you will find the truest expression of your love. Embrace the transformative power of love and you will find a strength you never knew existed—a strength that will carry you through the trials that lie ahead. Know that I will always walk beside you, guiding each step you take. For love is the greatest gift of all, and it is through love that you will find the peace and fulfilment you so desperately crave.”

“Trials?” said Sulien, her voice trembling. “That doesn’t sound good.”

“It won’t be that bad,” said Olwen, her voice returning to normal as she released Sulien’s hands. “I actually want to ask you a favour. I need your help. Will you come with me?”

5 out of 5 (exceptional)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

This is book 2 in the Brodyr Alarch series, but it's not necessary to have read Slippers and Songs, which is book one, nor is it necessary to read Sealed with a Curse, which is the sort of introduction to this world and to the princes who are Brodyr Alarch. Not necessary, but I think you should. It will give you a better view of what the princes did to warrant getting the curse that turned them into swans, and how they got out of their predicament. They are very good books, I gave them Sealed 4 stars and 5 stars to Slippers and Songs.

And 5 stars for this one too!

Two things I'm loving the most about these books.

I don't know the Brothers Grimm tales that Sheppard is using to form the basis of these books. They are the lesser known ones, and I'm almost intrigued enough to go and read The Brothers Grimm tales, just to see if I can match them up! Almost, but I won't. Cos it might spoil my enjoyment of these books.

They are CLEAN. Totally and utterly and so beautifully clean. I will, more often than not, say I like my books on the steamier side and I make no apologies for that, but I am LOVING that these books are not at all like that! Oh don't get me wrong, there is love and passion here, but there is no explicit steam. Not for Terrwyn and Sulien, nor for Selene and Conway (from Sealed) as we catch up with them a couple times in the book.

In my review for Slippers, I said I wanted to hear from Tesni, but we didn't. But here, we get Sulien! And a few others too. I love hearing from everyone! It fills the bigger picture with more colour and detail, and I loved that.

Again, the Welsh Gods play a part, and again, I'm not going to try to name them cos I can't say them, let alone spell them, but they get up to their tricks in helping the Brodyr Alarch find their love, even if things do go a little off plan here!

Macsen is up next, given the little epilogue that those aforementioned Goods have, and I can't wait to get my hands on it! But Gerallt's book is the one I'm waiting for, and I strongly suspect his will be the last one! Gerallt is the prince who kept a swan wing, to remind himself of what he did. I want in his head so bad!

Anyway, enough rambling, but in case I forgot to say:

I loved this book!

5 full and shiny stars!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Originally from the United Kingdom, Morgan Sheppard now resides in Germany, although she freely admits to having left part of her heart in Wales.   Whilst a writer mainly in the fantasy genre, Morgan is more than happy to share her love of reading amongst the many different genres out there, and can always be found with a book close by.


As well as reading and writing, Morgan spends her time looking after her family and trying to learn German. Unfortunately, a natural aptitude for languages doesn’t appear to be one of her strong points. However, stubbornness is, so she continues to persevere. So far, Morgan is confident enough to order a beer and a pretzel.


You can also sign up for her newsletter to receive a #FREE copy of Disjointed Lives, a short story about friendship and a toxic relationship -

You can also find Morgan on various social media platforms. Find your favourite here:



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