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Rowan & Aldred (Ambrosia #2) by Lucie Fleury

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Rowan is a bully. Always has been, always will be. After all, what better way to prevent people from hurting you, than hurting them first? But this time, he’s gone too far. The God of Justice has heard about his crimes, and now he must suffer the consequences…

Aldred, God of Justice and Retribution, is all too willing to take Rowan into his dungeon to deliver the sentence he rightly deserves. After all, punishing humans is his favorite pastime—he’ll take great pleasure in the careless, sadistic fun that Rowan’s incarceration offers him.

What he doesn’t expect is finding more. Because there’s something underneath Rowan’s spitefulness. Something he wants to find, care for and protect.

However, if he acts on his urges, his ward will become permanently addicted to the ambrosia his body produces, altering Rowan’s life forever.

Set in a medieval fantasy world full of magic, conniving divinities and a newborn god gone rogue, follow the redemption story of one broken boy who gets his second chance at life, and a god who discovers his softer side.


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5 out of 5 (exceptional)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

This is book 2 in the Ambrosia series, and I have not read book one. I want to, though. Oh how I WANT! 

I wasn't sure how this was gonna go, since it came with a stern, VERY STERN warning to note the triggers. I, after reading, STRESS that point. 

Rowan is a bully and Aldred the God of Justice and Retribution. Who better to meek out the punishment the boy deserves. But something is off with Rowan and it takes a bit of time for Aldred to get deep into Rowan's reasons for being a bully. What he discovers shocks him, and makes him oddly protective of the boy. There is also the issue of the god going around, giving ambrosia out to humans, which is deadly if not managed correctly. 

So, triggers: 

Explicit smex: Oh yes, once Aldred decides he's keeping Rowan, the God loves his boy, and he loves him HARD. 

Torture: Aldred, in the beginning, is brutal to Rowan. It was painful, reading about it, and it goes way darker than anything I've read before. I will admit, I came close to stopping, but something begged me to continue and I am so glad I did. 

Mention of past abuse: Rowan's reasons for being a bully aren't immediately clear, and it does take some time for Aldred to get to the bottom of them. 

Sexual assault: If it's the scene I'm thinking of, it's not a full-on-page assault, just the threat is there, and but for a kitty cat, there would have been.

It's a very different read than my usual fare, and I'm not tagging it as romance, because, let's be honest, I'm not sure Aldred could love in the hearts and flowers sense, but he cares, DEEPLY for Rowan, and I think, in time, his hearts and flowers will come. 

Told from both Rowan and Aldred's point of view, this book is powerful in its intensity; dark in its violence; and in the end, the reasons for Rowan being a bully is paid back a hundred fold. 

I've had a look, and can only see two books by this author name, and I question that! Why?? Cos if this is book 2 by this author, what is Lucie Fleury gonna be like at book 4, 6 or ten?? Sign me up, mate, I'm-a following this author!

Again though, HEED the triggers, I have none but this really pushed my boundaries!

But dear lord I cannot give it anything other than. . . .

5 full and shiny stars! (but more if I could!)

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

What’s the best vacation you ever had?

I went to the Azores and saw giant devil rays, it was magic! Scuba diving is one of my passions. 

If someone gave you a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, where would you go?


What’s your favourite rainy day movie?

Pride & Prejudice (2005), hands down. 

If you could have personally witnessed one event in history, what would you want to have seen?

I would attend a ball at the court of Louis XIV in Versailles. 

Who is your favourite literary character of all time?

Elizabeth from Pride & Prejudice. She’s clever, witty, but also human and flawed, and isn’t afraid to admit her mistakes and to try to do better. She also loves her family despite them being far from perfect lol

Share you 9 favorite books of all time.

If we talk MM: The Wolf at the Door by Charlie Adhara, Captive Prince by C. S. Pacatt, A Charm of Magpies by K. J. Charles, Heartstopper by Alice Oseman, Earth Fathers Are Weird by Lynn Gala, Nowhere Ranch by Heidi Cullinan, Heated Rivalry by Rachel Reid, The Subs Club by J. A. Rock, Muscling Through by J.L. Merrow (and others I’m sure I’m forgetting about). 

Name 2 food items you can’t live without:

Chocolate and bread (French bread). 

Hi, I'm Lucie!

Currently living in a world of fiction and m/m romance.

Also French! Might explain a lot about me (I don't know, you'll have to tell me).

I love writing (obviously), reading, knitting and photography :)

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