@Archaeolibrary, @debbiereadsbook, @JPSayle69,

Men and trust. Yeah, these two things, in my experience, don’t go hand in hand. The promises I made to myself were easy to keep for years, that is until Levi Smith walks into my life.
What is it they say about good intentions and best-laid plans?
I have them all, and then my daughter asks for help with her wedding. The easy yes is only the beginning of my problems.
Levi’s laughter is more potent than a quart of liquor. His fast mouth and easy smile I can resist, but his big heart is another matter, especially when my past comes to haunt me.
With more secrets than Mount Rushmore, will Levi’s love be the solution or my family’s downfall?
I’m about to find out.
Smith’s Corner: Layla & Levi (book 2) is an opposites-attract, romantic drama. It comes with a hot as fuck barman who is about to learn love has no boundaries.
This book has trigger warnings.

5 out of 5 (exceptional)
Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
This is book 2 in the Heartwood Series. I would STRONGLY recommend you read book one, Delilah & Dallas, before this one. THAT book sets this one up nicely.
I also said in my review for that book, that I made put the clues together, and made a picture, but that I was fairly certain it was going to be worse than I thought.
And I wasn't wrong.
Layla has had to be strong, for Delilah and Cora but both girls are growing up now, and moving on with their lives. Levi is one of Dallas' older brother, and is quite literally, smitten with Layla. He knows she has secrets (Dallas knows some of them but wont tell Levi) but Levi also knows Layla is his, and he won't let her go.
I loved that Cora plays a bigger part here than Delilah, that Cora approves of Levi, and that Cora actively helps Levi win Layla over. And he does that beautifully!
When Layla eventually tells Levi all, he does exactly as Dallas does, all Alpha-Male-Protect-whats-Mine, but he tempers his reaction, he holds it all in til he is not in Layla's presence, and I loved him for that.
Layla's history is dark, and painful reading and I cried for Layla. Layla the child, but also Layla the adult. She has a huge support network now, but she didn't always, and she still struggles with letting people in. That Levi takes his time with Layla, getting to know her and letting her set the entire pace of their relationship was probably the only way he could have gotten in.
When Layla's past comes back to cause problems, I loved that ALL the brothers came to stand with her, beside her, to see that the past stays there. And that all solves itself so differently to what I was expecting!
And we are set up nicely for Ash and Alora, who are next. Ash has a tale to tell, and I can't wait to read it!
This book contains triggers: please be mindful of those reading this book.
Creeping up from 4 stars to 4.5 stars but rounded up for the blog.
** same worded review will appear elsewhere **
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

I'm Jayne or JP, I live in the Isle of Man. A tiny place in the Irish sea where all the magic happens. I am fortunate now to write full time and I've a love for books, all kinds. I like to spice things up and dip my toe into different genres. This is my first book in M/F romance in Smith's Corner.
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