


Over a year after his disappearance, the Piper of HameLonn has returned.
As winter delays impending war, Evalena works quickly to solidify her power and clear her path to the throne. With shadow men at her call, she turns others into pawns in a plan that will stop at nothing and no one to get a long-desired conduit. Through its power and protection, Evalena will build an empire.
Bringing a queen to King Eryk’s court may have been Quirin’s path to return, but it cannot save him from the haunting memories of the sister he could not save. Worse, after embracing a legend of death, the monarchs may most need him to preserve life.
While Cal may have found relative safety at the palace, there’s but two people she can really count as allies. Moreover, King Eryk’s help is not without significant cost, so as Cal prepares to face her treasonous aunt, she must assert herself as a monarch worthy of the crown she lost.
As news of Evalena’s actions trickle across the sea, it’s clear she must be ended, and soon. But Evalena has always been one step ahead, leaving Quirin and Cal with little time to stop her before she succeeds. For as everyone has known for centuries, a conduit will always protect its guardian.
The exciting conclusion of a trilogy based on the legend of the Pied Piper.

5 out of 5 (exceptional)
SPARK & HEIR is the final part of this outstanding trilogy, so hold onto your hats because it's non-stop.
Quirin and Cal are with King Eryk, although neither of them knows for sure where or how they fit in. Cal bargains for her kingdom, paying a price she has always known about. Quirin finds himself torn between his old king who made him what he was, and the new queen who had won his loyalty and admiration. I absolutely loved how Quirin talked with Kylen about Cal. Kylen was also a character I grew to love, understated and shy, but with a massive heart for those he cares about.
Still told by three different people, you literally get the inside take on just how twisted and malicious Evalena is. My heart broke at times, not only for a specific character but also for Quirin.
Now, I'm going to be deliberately vague here, but I want to mention something without giving away any details... Quirin is sent away to gather information on what Evalena's doing, while Cal obviously stays behind. During that time, something absolutely necessary happened, but I didn't like it because Quirin wasn't there. After I got over my upset, I realised it was a perfect example of how war doesn't stop just because you're a main character!
The climax and epilogue are outstanding and I was hung on every word. I am sad to see this come to an end, although I still hope for more from this kingdom and for Quirin. A 5-star series and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by me. Just don't make me choose my favourite book out of the three because I'm stumped!
** same worded review will appear elsewhere **
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

E.L. Tenenbaum is an author, writer, wordsmither-er, and versificator. When not distracted building new worlds, she enjoys presenting about writing, and has been a visiting author at schools around the world.
Find out more or tune in at www.ELTenenbaum.com