Book details:
Book Title: Madeline’s Boy
Series: Convict Birthstain Collection
Author: Sara Powter
Publication Date: November 13th 2024
Publisher: Pacific Wanderland Publications (through Amazon)
Pages: 224

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@SaraPowter @cathiedunn

England 1830s to New South Wales 1840
The race to protect an orphaned Boy
All is not straightforward when money and titles are involved.
Orphaned, afraid and on the run, Chip must Flee.
Madeline was his mother’s best friend. Maddie now needs to keep her charge safe and alive. She must give up her life to protect the boy she has loved since birth.
Months after Chip’s parents’ demise, Maddie sets out to deliver Chip to his Uncle Humphrey, who lives in Sydney. Through him, she meets Chip's friend Tim, who falls for Maddie— but will they find happiness?
The menacing presence soon finds Chip, and Maddie needs to hide him again. They are moved from hidden farms to secret valleys, ending up in an aboriginal encampment.
Can Tim find a way to be with Maddie? And if so… Will Chip ever be safe?

Sara Powter lives on the NSW Central Coast. Her childhood was spent with her parents, mainly travelling up and down the East Coast of Australia, fishing, shell collecting, and doing some of her education through correspondence schooling.
With a passion for science, she worked as a Scientific Assistant in the Entomology Department of the Department of Agriculture. She married Stephen soon after leaving there, and they spent 30 years in Ministry in the Newcastle Anglican Diocese in NSW, only retiring at the end of 2020.
When ‘Covid 19’ hit, time was available to pen some of the stories she’d wanted to write for some time. Within twelve months, eight stories were finished, and ideas for more were coming (after four years, she had recently completed her twenty-eighth book). These stem from her passion for Colonial Australia, her convict ancestors, and the fantastic country’s remarkable history!
Sara wrote these as she wished to complete one of her mother’s unfinished manuscripts. The series prequel, “Dancing to Her Own Tune,” is now completed and ties in Sheila Hunter’s Australian Trilogy with Sara’s Lockley series and many others. All are Clean Australian Historical Fiction.
But… Watch for more in The Hunter to Macquarie Collection and The Convict Birthstain Collection.
Author Links:
Website: www.sarapowter.com.au
Twitter: https://x.com/SaraPowter
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarapowter2251/
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Sara-Powter/author/B08X4K9VM1
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrRC4aFyyiVAMy5ZLTTQUEw
Tour hosted by: The Coffee Pot Book Club

Thanks so much for taking part in our book blast for Madeline's Boy by Sara Powter today!
Take care,
Cathie xx
The Coffee Pot Book Club