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Voklane (Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria, #8) by Sarah Westill


Ryan liked the slip that revealed she’d imagined a future with him, though he shouldn’t. Liked it so much he didn’t think before speaking. “Maybe I need to be driven crazy.”

The story of a lifetime lands in Delanee Ralston’s hands, giving her the perfect chance to leave the fluff of the social pages behind. The only problem? The opportunity comes attached to perhaps the most formidable guardian in the nation. A man who tests Delanee’s preconceived notions about her future and challenges her very nature. A man whose life may be the biggest story of all….

Living in the shadows is a necessity for Ryan Voklane. The power of his genetic talent is a secret he can’t afford to reveal. To anyone. Inviting a journalist into the privacy of his home may be the biggest mistake he has ever made. Or the best decision of his life. Delanee turns out to be what Ryan never knew he needed and isn’t sure he can keep. The feisty journalist reveals her innocence with every sensual encounter, reminding Ryan of what he has lost over the years, and what he could have if only he’s willing to trust.

Delanee tries to resist falling for the powerful guardian and struggles to maintain a secret of her own. An omission that threatens to unravel the only relationship she has ever wanted.

Forces fighting to keep the power they have worked so hard to achieve put Delanee in more danger than anyone, including her fiercely protective family, could realize. Ryan finds himself in a desperate race to discover the identity and purpose of the nefarious V Alliance before an unimaginable betrayal can rock the foundations of Sziveria.

5 out of 5 (exceptional)

VOKLANE is the eighth and final book in the Gen-Heirs series and what a bittersweet moment this is. I have loved all of these books, some more than others, and was so happy to see them go out with a bang, rather than a whimper!

Delanee and Voklane have been dancing around each other for a few books now, and I was really looking forward to their story. I was NOT disappointed. From the sparks that were constantly flying, to the protectiveness that worked both ways, there was so much to enjoy. I loved how the long story arc came to its conclusion, giving a satisfactory ending, although I personally think she got off lightly considering what she had arranged for others!

Because of Delanee, I also got to spend some time with my favourite family and look forward to seeing more of them in the future! I also go to see a creeper get his comeuppance, so that was worth it! 😆

A smooth writing style with some steam, this story not only gave Ryan and Delanee the spotlight, but also managed to give an update on all the other couples in a way that was completely natural to the storyline. And all that did was make me want to read them all again, so I say job well done!

A superb series that I am not ready to let go of just yet, and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *


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