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Adept (Techromancy Scrolls #1) by Erik Schubach

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Fantasy, F/F

Almost three thousand years after an extinction level event on Earth, mankind seeks to regain its former glory, in a new world where magic and technology collide. Laney Herder, a commoner in the realm of Wexbury, finds herself thrust into the world of nobles and knights. At the side of her Lady Celeste, Knight of the Realm, she goes on an epic journey from being a simple chicken farmer to one of the greatest heroes of the realm, while helping the Lands of Sparo avoid a second Great Mage War. Can kindness and innocence, defeat the oncoming storm?

3 out of 5 (good)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Twenty seven and forty five years after the moon was stuck but an asteroid and split in two, live is thriving on Earth. Magic powers most things. Laney is a Herder, thrown into a race to stop the next great Mage war. She acts as squire to Celeste, a Knight of the Realm. Laney sparks late, and her power, while minimal, covers a broad spectrum not seen before. Can a simple chicken farmer really save a kingdom?? This is a good book, a nice book, with a very well told story that is a little different. BUT it needs editing. Capital letters missing off names, names spelt wrong, that sort of thing. ALSO I was asked did I want to read this book, it came with a single tag, that of female/female. I don't get many, so tend to say yes as soon as I see that tag. It is, however totally clean! Just a couple of kisses near the end. Yes, the romance grows between Laney and Celeste, but I feel that a fantasy/sci-fi tag would be a better main tag. Its also written entirely from Laney's POV. You know how I feel about single POV books. I've filed it on my young adult shelf. It is clean, it does get a little bloody in places. I'd let my 14 year old daughter read it, if she so wished. This is the first I've read of Erik Schubach's work. I'd like to read something else of his at some point. Something NOT young adult. 3.5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Author of the Valkyrie Chronicles scifi series and the Music of the Soul lesbian romance series of books.

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