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Hunt Her (Vamp Hunters #1) by Elle Q. Sabine

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Paranormal, Romance

Her life on hold for a decade, Meghan’s ready to take it back and move forward. Valor is ready too. The Vampire Master won’t let her disappear, not ever again. Meghan doesn’t understand the dreamwalker who comes to her at night. After years of sleeping medication to subdue nightmares, she is unprepared when the handsome stranger who stood guard over her childhood returns to her dreams. Now that she’s grown, he’s intent on possession and seduction. When he shows up in her life, real and not a dream, she’s horrified…and enthralled. But life isn’t waiting around for Meghan to play out the traditional script of meeting, falling in love and living happily ever after. Desperate to reclaim some part of her childhood, Meghan leaves behind the man who wants her in search of her long-lost brother. But Valor is not a man who is willing to be left behind, not again. The years he spent unable to find Meghan—not knowing if she was happy, healthy or even safe—were difficult enough. He’ll find Meghan and bring her into a world she doesn’t even imagine exists, and he’ll find a way to keep her at his side—forever. Because he’s not just some man Meghan met in a library. Valor isn’t a man at all.

4 out of 5 (very good)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

I'm not writing a blurby bit, jumping straight in with my review, mostly because I can't word in correctly. Valor finds his vamp, his mate and visits her in her dreams, just after her 18th birthday, he loses her. Ten years later, they reconnect and Valor will not wait to make Meghan his, to claim her. He just needs to make Meghan aware of who, and what, he and his people are. I liked this, a lot, a lot a lot! There is a lot of Irish folklore, Irish words are used by the men affected by the vampire gene, an antidote to a virus that plagued their world. That forced the men to leave their world and look across the astral plain to Earth, across the Sidhe, for their mates, their Vamps. And I loved that's its different, because different always works well with me. AND! So does being proven wrong! Meghan's trauma, just after her 18th birthday ten years ago, was bad, so bad that she left her home and was using medication to sleep for all that time. What I was wrong about was the nature of that trauma. You don't get it all in one go, you get hints and clues as to what it was, and the fall out to that trauma. And just when you think you have got it, something throws a spanner in the works and its all up in the air again! LOVED that! The reason it gets 4 stars and not 5 is this: I got to about 25% before I started to enjoy it. Valor is a little. . . . . the beginning and I didn't like him much! But Meghan softens him, and he grows on you. But that's all, its just a slow burner, cos after that point, I loved it! Its billed as book one in The Vamp Hunters series. I really want to read more. I want to know about General Enna's mate, carted in to save the others, as she was. About what Atlas is off to to. And Meghan's brother needs a story, but I *think* I saw hints of that one here. First I've read of this author, and my wish list is now several books longer. 4 solid stars.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Elle is an author of erotic romance, or romance that contains erotic content. The romance – the falling in love – is the beautiful part of the story. The erotic content is the interesting part. In Elle's mind, the best books are erotic and romantic at the same time, and these are the sorts of stories she wants to tell. Elle lives in the great state of California with a devoted Mr. Sabine, a golden-haired pup, and a golden-haired daughter. If she had spare time, she'd like to sleep at night, visit museums, and spend more time with the Pacific Ocean.

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