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Scrying for Summer (Philadelphia Coven Chronicles #2) by Katherine McIntyre

Jev was looking for an adventure, however she wanted the usual variety of stomping out nasty fae in the city as an enforcer of the Philly Coven. Instead, handsome as sin Liam O'Reilly shows up on her doorstep dropping news of the worst organization of fae they'd dealt with on the rise again. Except, he's a traitor, an asshole, and the absolute last person she wants to work with.

However, the longer they work together, the more the fire between them burns, turning from rage and irritation into something primal. And as she gets to know the real Liam O'Reilly behind the charming smiles and sexy lines, he becomes so much deadlier. Because the protective, self-sacrificing man underneath his facade is just the sort she could fall for.

4 out of 5 (very good)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

This is book two of the Philadelphia Coven Chronicles, and it helps to have read book one, Hunting for Spring. Not absolutely necessary, but I'd highly recommend you do. You'll get a much better picture of Liam, and of Jev, and what happened to them both in that book. Liam needs help, but since he is, by all accounts, a traitor, there aren't many he can call on. Jev helped his brother-in-arms before, so he hopes she will help now. He just doesn't want to ask for help at all, but his friend Sam needs help he can't provide. Oh, a fabulous second book! Sexier and steamier, darker and deadlier, it pulls and grabs and doesn't let go! Jev met Liam when helping Conor and Brianna. He piqued her interest in so far as she wanted to know what made him do what he did. But something else also, something she wasn't quite sure it was. Once he asks for her help, its painfully obvious the man pushes her buttons in a way no one has done for a very long time. But he makes her laugh, even in the face of danger, and he show her the REAL Liam, the one he has been hiding all this time. Equally, Jev pushes Liam's buttons, but he tries hard, so bloody hard to ignore that pushing. He is, after all, a Hunter and a Hunter's life is a lonely one. But he can't ignore her, the way she makes him feel, the way she makes him HOPE. I wanted Liam to fall and fall hard. I said as much at the end of my review for Hunting For Spring. I just did not expect that falling to be for Jev! Oh, I did so enjoy this book!! I am, maybe wrongly, assuming the next book **Puleeeze let there be a NEXT BOOK!** will be about Sam, the genie here chasing the parts of his lamp, and Alanna, the head Witch at the Coven. They had a spark, and my interest is fully locked on them now! So, please Ms McIntyre, tell me, book three is about Sam and Alanna! I can see THAT one being particularly interesting, given that Alanna has Sam's lamp locked away in the Coven's vaults and he is not best pleased about that! creeping up a little at ... 4.5 stars.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

A modern day Renaissance-woman, Katherine McIntyre has learned soapmaking, beer brewing, tea blending, and most recently roasting coffee. Most of which make sure she’s hydrated and bathed while she spends the rest of her time writing. With a desire to travel and more imagination than she knows what to do with, all the stories jumping around in her head led to the logical route of jotting them down on paper. She writes novels with snarky women, ragtag crews, and guys with bad attitudes. High chances for a passionate speech thrown into the mix.

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