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Between the Devil and the Darkness by Lindy Spencer

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Crime, Short Stories, Anthology, Horror, Dark

Welcome, come in. Make yourself comfortable. I invite you to take a journey through these pages as they temporarily draw back the gauze veil that separates us from what crawls around in the dark of night, as well as that which brushes your sleeve as it passes by, unnoticed, on a crowded sidewalk in broad daylight.

Glimpse quickly, lest any one of the myriad of evils takes notice. Such happenstance could lead to, let’s say, unpleasantness? The tales within represent the tiniest fraction of the evils present all around us. Before you go further, a warning: what once is known cannot be unknown.

It’s time. Come quickly, if you dare. Turn the page. Allow me to call your attention to what lies between the devil and the darkness.

4 out of 5 (very good)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

I don't know what I was expecting from the above blurb, but I really was surprised by this little anthology of ten short stories by the same author.

They are DARK, some far darker than others, some creeped me out and one I did not like. Some are written in the third person, some in the first. I didn't mind that here, because they are only shorts.

I can't write a review for each story, simply because I will be here all day but I will say this much. I want to read a much longer book by this author. My go-to genre, pre-kindle days was horror. And I'd LOVE to read a longer book, something that I can get my teeth into and be totally and utterly bat-poop scared.

4 stars

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Hi! Lindy Spencer here! Since I'm drawing a blank on what to tell you about me, I've sent a man to the streets to ask the question, "Who is Lindy Spencer?" Let's see what the people have to say: "She's really nice unless you cross her. If she doesn't like you, she'll kill you in a book." "OH! Lindy! I love her book! She's such a nice girl. I didn't know she had all of that running around in her head..." "The way she thinks scares me a little, but don't tell her I said that, okay?" "Spider woman was first thing that came to my mind. Multi-faceted, multi-talented, witty and outspoken." "A new writing talent with many stories to curl up with." "My wonderful, crazy aunt who is totally awesome." "An intensely dedicated and talented writer that can tell a story that draws you in from start to finish. Friendly, fair and fierce when she needs to be. A person to keep an eye on because great things are afoot. (or at hand... whichever appendage you choose...)" So there you have it, fans! Words from the faces that know! :)

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