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AUDIO - A Club Blood Erotic Short #1 & #2 by Nicole Garcia

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Paranormal, Romance, Erotica, Audio

Born into light, made to live in darkness, Caressa strives to keep her coven safe from the Hunters. A group of killers trained to eradicate the vampire population.

Now, it's up to Caressa to ensure the survival of not only herself, but her sisters as well. Together they must make difficult decisions to recruit more soldiers to help aid in the fight against the Hunters.

Everything was going according to plan. That was until Noah walked into Club Blood. His gorgeous body and infectious smile make him hard to resist. But, that's exactly what Caressa has to do, resist him. Avoid him at all costs because the moment she lets her guard down, he will surely claim her heart.

A heart that is cold, dark, and incapable of giving someone like him the love he deserves. Can Caressa deny herself the love she so desperately craves and turn away the only person capable of giving her everything she has ever wanted? Or will she give in to her heart's true desire and put her coven in even more danger than they already were?

4 out of 5 (very good)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Caressa leads the last known Coven of vampires. She leads her 5 sisters in keeping themselves hidden, and alive. She has no time for a mate. That is until Noah walked into her club and Caressa is bitten by the love bug.

This review is for the audio version of this book, and I usually write about the book first and the narration after. But I'm flipping it here.

Narration first! Kai Kennacott and Wen Ross dual narrate. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the narration here. Kennacott is the main voice, since the book is written entirely from Caressa's point of view but Ross does all the male voices. I love how these two work together, how their narration is joined seamlessly. Since it is only Caressa who has a say, we get all of her emotion, and inner turmoil, when she decides what she needs to do about Noah, and the Hunters and her sisters. Ross puts as much as he can, of Noah, through his voice, but since we don't hear from him directly, it only comes across as so much.

The story is short, only 70 odd pages, 2 hours and 13 minutes, not very long, but just enough to give you an insight into Garcia's world of vampires.

Had I only READ this book, I might not have enjoyed it as much as I did, since I don't much care for books written in the first person, single point of view. BUT I much prefer to LISTEN to books that way.

4 stars for the book

5 stars for the narration

4.5 overall

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

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Paranormal, Romance, Erotica, Audio

Gia was never supposed to be the one who fell in love, but here she was, falling for a human she had no business consorting with. Now, she is faced with a dilemma. Does she follow her heart’s true desire? Or will she make the ultimate sacrifice and let Rhett go in order to save his life? She thinks she’s chosen the right path, but when trouble comes crashing through the coven’s door she must decide whether or not her good intentions are worth the inevitable extinction of her kind.

4 out of 5 (very good)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Gia was never supposed to be the one who fell in love, but here she was, falling for a human she had no business consorting with. Now, she is faced with a dilemma. Does she follow her heart’s true desire? Or will she make the ultimate sacrifice and let Rhett go in order to save his life? She thinks she’s chosen the right path, but when trouble comes crashing through the coven’s door she must decide whether or not her good intentions are worth the inevitable extinction of her kind.

This is book two in the series, there are 6 sisters in this coven and they will all get their story. You don't to have read book one, Bitten, before this but it helps.

Gia is the hardest of the sisters, she is the one who won't fall in love, won't take a mate, all because of what their old leader had told her one day. But Rhett gets under her skin from their very first meeting, and she, for a whole year, wipes his memory after every time they are together. Pushing him away is the only thing to save him. But Rhett as other ideas and surprises Gia when she is at her lowest.

Again narrated by Kai Kennacott and Wen Ross. Love these two together, I really do. I noticed here, though, there was some overlapping when Gia and Rhett were talking, or rather, Rhett was laughing and Gia was talking. I don't know if this was deliberate, or not, but I really did like it! Because it happens, you know?? Someone will be talking, and someone else might be laughing at them. Cute, I thought.

Garcia has 4 more of these to write, I hope that, somewhere along the way, the boys will have a proper say, because they don't here, and while I usually prefer to LISTEN to books told in the first person, I really REALLY want to hear from the boys in this series, Rhett, especially!

4 stars for the book

5 stars for the narration

4.5 overall.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

N.Y. Times Bestselling author Nicole Garcia has a degree in Nursing, but has been a stay at home mom for the past 9 years. Her passion is reading and decided to make a career out of sharing her love for books. Writing and promoting has become a full time job for her now. There are so many unknown authors out there that deserve to have their books read by many. So, after promoting for authors for two years, she decided to follow her dreams and start writing her own books. Nicole started writing poetry when she was just a little girl and had always loved the feeling it gave her. Currently she writes steamy Paranormal, Contemporary, and New Adult Romance, but plans to write other genres in the future. Hope you will join her in all the fun ahead. You can subscribe to Nicole's newsletter for updates on available books and upcoming releases. Just click on the link -

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