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Tour & #Giveaway: Swing Into Murder by Vanessa M. Knight

@VanessaMKnight @GoddessFishPromotions


@VanessaMKnight @GoddessFish

Harper Lange is a grade school teacher with a secret. Well, since her husband passed away, she hasn’t been to the DeVout swinger’s club—so her secret life has dried up to Harry Potter binges and Merlot. Clubs are no fun without her husband by her side. When Las Vegas’ finest knock on her door reopening her husband’s case, she finds herself back at DeVout trying to figure out who would want to kill her husband. Kill her husband. She never thought she’d be thinking those words, let alone interrogating her friends. With everything going on, she should be hiding in the corner with a full bottle of wine and a box of donuts, like a normal person. Instead, she’s roaming around the streets of Las Vegas getting hot and bothered with Detective Alex Cabrero—heavy on the bothered. The man can’t seem to understand why she’d want to find answers—or that she’ll go wherever the information leads—even if it means she has to drag the detective along. Harper needs to find the truth before she becomes the next victim.

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Regret lodged in her chest. He was leaving and there wasn’t really a reason for them to see each other again. He could disappear. She didn’t want him to go, but he was right. He had a job to do. She was a teacher with a few days off.

“Do you promise to keep me posted?”

He smiled and reached across the expanse of car. His hand wrapped around hers. Electricity zinged up her arm and warmed her chest. Just that touch told her everything. He would keep her posted. He would come to see her again.

“Of course.” His voice was husky as he turned to her. Their eyes met with a flame of—something that disintegrated all the emotional baggage of the day. His lips slid along her knuckles and the look in his eyes made her insides melt into a puddle of want.

She wanted to say she felt nothing. But that would be a lie. And because she didn’t feel nothing, she pulled her hand away and sighed. “Thank you.”

“No problem.” He cleared his throat as he turned to the road.

The light in front of the car had turned green. Was it bad that she hadn’t noticed the light or the cars or anything outside of Alex?

Of course it was bad. She was a married woman. Well, she had been a married woman until the accident that took her husband away.

Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found HERE

Who is Vanessa M. Knight? Well, I’m an author. Wow. After years and years of wanting to use those words, that is fun to say. It’s almost as fun as supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Did I spell that right?

I write contemporary romantic suspense.

I live in Chicagoland with my family and menagerie of four-legged friends. In my mind, these lovely animals do everything as they should. I’m the alpha, keeping peace and harmony amongst my humble servants. In real life, they own me. I’m the maid, here for their feeding pleasure. Well, that and to clean up their messes.

When not catering to the needs of adorably-furry faces, I slug through the nine to five grind and head home so I can write. Of course, that’s after I make dinner and clean the house and all the other tasks that go into family life. So really, I work, cater to animals and my family… and then, if I don’t fall face first into bed, I write. I love putting my characters into crazy situations and watching how they react. I hope you love reading about them.

I love to hear from fans. I can be found on Facebook at VanessaMKnight and at


Tour hosted by: Goddess Fish Promotions


©2018 BY



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