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Learning to Love Cats by K.M. Mahoney

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Contemporary, Romance, M/M

Mike isn’t much of an animal lover. His sister, however, insists that every little boy needs a pet, which is how he finds himself sitting in a veterinary office, trying to explain the facts of life to his six-year-old nephew while holding a dead hamster in a shoebox. It’s not one of his finer moments. So of course, it’s just his luck that in walks the cute, shy, and utterly lust-worthy Riley Laytham. But Mike has never been one to let an opportunity pass him by, no matter how awkward the situation might be. Riley isn’t used to guys flirting with him, and he definitely didn’t expect it to happen at the local vet office. In the kennels, no less, surrounded by dogs and cats, and under the close scrutiny of one overly inquisitive little boy. Riley’s first instinct is to make his excuses and run, but Mike is persistent. Their first date is a disaster. They have nothing in common, and Riley’s cats seem determined to end the budding relationship before it can get started. For some reason, though, Mike isn’t running. Now Riley just has to decide if he can make it work with a guy who staunchly declares that he doesn’t like cats.

5 out of 5 (exceptional)

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Mike doesn't much care for animals, cats especially, but a visit to the vets with his nephew bring him in direct contact with the most delicious man he has ever met. Riley is a vet, and he breeds cats. If Riley and Mike are to get on, Mike is gonna have to get over his dislike of cats, rather rapidly! You know sometimes, when you've had a run of so-so and fairly average reads, and you just need something to sink into, to lose yourself for an hour to get over all those other books?? THIS BOOK, right here. I want to make a new shelf, just for this book! its title?? too stinking cute! Because, that's what it really is, far too stinking cute and people need to write more of this kinda books, they really do. OH I KNOW they are out there, but I don't come across them very often. It's well written, from both Riley's and Mike's POV. Its funny, its sexy and its ....nope...gotta say it and I'm sorry! But it bloody well is too cute. I was gonna give it four stars, that was my first and foremost feeling when I finished it, and I usually run with those, but while writing the review I thought, why?? you loved it, you enjoyed it, it made you chuckle, it made you want to read more by this author, so why only 4?? I know this is short, but I will start repeating and I don't want to appear totally nuts! So, for this very short, very cute, very funny book (because I LOVED that last bit at the end!!) 5 full and shiny stars.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Born and raised in the middle of the Midwest, I have always been a dreamer. More often than not I could be found with my nose buried in a book (many of which I had to sneak past my parents). It wasn't long before I started trying my hand at writing more of the stories I loved. After years of penning tales that rarely left the hard drive of my computer, I discovered M/M romance. As with all genres, it wasn't long before my own characters started to take shape.

There is little I love more than wandering new places and, on occasion, entirely new worlds with my characters. They can range from cowboys to Victorian noblemen, accountants to shapeshifters, and everything in between. I write mainly m/m romance, usually with paranormal or fantasy elements. I willingly follow my characters wherever they decide to go, sometimes with unusual results. I have little control over their actions ? any naughty behaviour is all their doing!

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