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Cruising Right into Love by J.P. Sayle

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À new life brings hope. But will it also bring Victor pain - or the love he craves?

A chance meeting leads Victor Newton to the quiet town of Sweet Haven. Beaten and broken, he finds something totally unexpected. Friends who are more like family. A job he loves and a home of his own. But there's a fly in the ointment. He’s crushing on someone who knows about Victor's past. Someone already spoken for.

Paramedic Denton Colby meets Victor his first day in town under awful circumstances that leave a lasting impression. Denton feels protective towards the gorgeous blond, but as time passes and he watches Victor flourish, so do the feelings he’s kept hidden. Strong feelings he thinks would frighten Victor, who has no idea Denton is bisexual. Denton attempts to move on with his life, dating Nese.

But something isn't working.

When Denton hears Victor is going on a gay pride cruise as part of a wedding party, he decides it’s time to take a chance, and joins the trip. Now all he needs is for Victor to open his eyes and see him as more than a friend.

Welcome to Pride Cruise 2024! Where the water is crisp, the men are HOT, and the party has started! Each book is a standalone but feel free and dive in and binge them all. You won't want to miss a second of their naughty antics. If you think they're silly when the sun is up, just wait until it goes down.

Available in #KindleUnlimited

5 out of 5 (exceptional)


Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Sometimes, Ms Sayle writes incredibly dark tales, sometimes they are just plain weird (fingerlings, come to mind) and then there are these kinda books: just a beautifully told tale of two men doing something about the attraction between them, and letting it all happen, while on a cruise.

I loved this book, I cannot fault it!

Victor comes to Sweet Haven to recover and heal after breaking up with his abusive partner. That last scene with them two together is the start of this book. It was not easy reading, what he did to Vic, but I think it was needed to get the full horror of what he had suffered. Very well written, but hard reading. Getting a job with Leeson and Garrett (from the book Sweet Haven, I had to look!) gives him time to heal. It helps that Denton is easy on the eye, but taken. Then Denton isn't and then they are sharing a room on the cruise, and all bets are off!

What I loved about this most, was that, apart from that first chapter, and some reference to Vic's history, there is very little about that history. Sometimes, reliving past trauma takes up a lot of book, but it's been 2 years and Vic is far more confident now about a lot of things. And it shows when dealing with Mr Polished who takes a shine to Denton on the cruise and Vic is "he's MINE"!

I loved that while Denton was spoken for, nothing happened between them. I loved that Denton's ex is Vic's friend, but they were able to get past the breakup and still be friends. I loved how fast things moved for these two. But it's been two years that they have lusted over each other, so things were not going to go at a snail's pace!

It's steamy and smexy. It's emotional and it's fun. It's beautifully written and delivered. I cannot fault it!

I loved it, so bloody much, so it can only get:

5 full and shiny stars!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **


* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

I’m Jayne or JP, and my pen names are, J Paton (Crime), JP Sayle (MM paranormal, romance) and Jayne Paton (M/F romance). I live in the Isle of Man which is a tiny place in the Irish sea where all the magic happens. I’m a confessed bookaholic and if I’m not writing I love to snuggle with a book or two…if you catch my drift.

I’ve a wondering heart, a love of the sea and travelling to different places. Some of the places I’ve been can be found in my world of books... all you need to do is open the pages. 

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